Sunday, September 29, 2024

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will be children of the Most High because He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. ~ Luke 6:35

We all have those people in life who rub us wrong, who no matter how we might try, we just won’t get along with.  Hot-tempered, selfish, snobbish, someone who holds morals completely opposite our own, someone that may even wish us ill will; these are people we tend to stay away from and can’t imagine being overly kind too.  After all, why would I submit myself to helping someone like that?  Have we forgotten that Christ saved us and showed us his faithful love even as we were sinners?  My God gave His most prized possession for me without knowing if I would even accept his gift and then there is the fact that I will never be able to live a “good enough” life for such a gift.  To be kind to the ungrateful and wicked can only happen with supernatural strength as this act is completely counterintuitive to our human nature.  We are called, as followers of Jesus, to treat ALL people well; even those who are hostile toward us.  We don’t stand out for Christ, and we are not the light to the world we are called to be when we treat our enemies the same way they would treat us.  Instinctively, we usually want to respond to our enemies with the same intensity, anger and defensive attitude that they have, but instead, we are to speak graciously to them and pray for them.  We are called to respond with kindness, to give without expecting anything back and to pray for even those who show wickedness toward us.  This is such a tall order, but we must do what Christ has done for us.  We need to do good to our enemies.  Pray that God will help you with this supernatural task and He will meet you there.  Pray that you will see your enemies as Jesus sees them and help you to treat them as He would. ~ Amen

Have Labored

But I said, “I have in vain; I have spent my strength for nothing at all.  Yet what is due me is in the Lord’s hand and my reward is with my God.” ~ Isaiah 49:4

There are times in our lives when we feel like the mundane is overwhelming and exhausting.  The daily chores that we do day in and day out with little gratitude from others, but that must be done nonetheless.  What about living in kindness; turning the other cheek; giving and giving and giving some more?  Sometimes we wonder if it’s all worth it.  We doubt, we question.  I believe in my heart that I am where I am supposed to be, but am I making any difference?  Sometimes it’s just so hard to tell.  We may get discouraged, but we must remember where our ultimate reward comes from.  Who it comes from.  My goal is to continue to give God glory and to plant as many seeds as I can for Christ.  The world needs Him desperately; they need the free gift of His redemption and grace.  But in a world that is so self-reliant and a bit narcissistic, sometimes I feel like even my best efforts are to no avail.  My encouragement comes from knowing that it’s the Holy Spirit’s job to turn the hearts over and it’s my job to keep planting.  It is a difficult world we live in, but if we stay focused on our mission and lean into God, we will find encouragement.  We may not be rewarded here on earth, but my ultimate reward will come from the Creator of the universe.  There is always reason to have hope in Christ so as not to give in to discouragement.  I am sure God felt discouraged as he watched Israel falter back and forth from Him many times.  I am sure Jesus felt discouraged at times as he led twelve misfits and again when He was in the garden asking God to take this cup (the crucifixion) from Him.  The Messiah of the universe felt all the feelings we feel and still fulfilled his mighty purpose.  Let us not get discouraged, but keep going on and let God take care of the rest.  Being called a follower of Jesus was not a promise of a discouraging free life, but we know we still have hope and faith that even through our heartache God will be faithful and just.  Let’s keep moving and keep our eyes on the prize! ~ Amen

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Count Blessed

As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered.  You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about.  The Lord is full of compassion and mercy. ~ James 5:11

We all have trials and tribulations in life and James is encouraging us to continue to be faithful to God even in our difficulties.  Amid great persecution and destruction that God allowed to touch Job, he never renounced his faith in the Almighty.  His children were killed, his livestock stolen, his servants destroyed and his body was overtaken with great sores - yet he persevered.  Justice was ultimately given to Job when everything was restored plus more was given to him and God was given much glory.  Anger, bitterness and self-pity can penetrate our souls when we go through trials, but we are called to keep our eyes on God and persevere through whatever comes our way.  Beautiful diamonds are created using great pressure and the same can be true of our faith as we wait patiently and faithfully on the Lord.  Non-believers can get swallowed up in dismay, but we are called to count our trials as great joy as they can produce glorious fruit in Christ if we would just hold on and keep our eyes focused on Him.  Jesus endured the greatest trial of all and God’s glory was shown brilliantly and mankind benefited greatly from his trial.  If Jesus had to endure trials, why wouldn’t we?  And even though we may never understand the reasons for our trials, we can be living testimonies of God’s goodness when we are patient and persevere through it.  There will be times in your life when you will question why you are going through something.  May I suggest that it is to strengthen your faith, to be an example of Godly patience and perseverance for others and ultimately to bring glory to God alone.  May we focus our eyes on Jesus, who is the perfecter of our faith, and persevere. ~ Amen

Serve Masters

No one can serve two masters.  Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.  You cannot serve both God and money. ~ Matthew 6:24

“Just look at what you have spent your money on this week and you’ll be able to see where your heart lies,” my Pastor said from the pulpit and my stomach turned.  The truth of the matter is I didn’t think, or even ever dreamed that I put money first, but do I?  Am I consumed with thoughts of God, or my bank account?  When we are more concerned about our material well-being over our neighbor in need, God may not be first in our lives.  Being a follower of Jesus means putting others first and serving, even with our money; which is in direct opposition to the act of acquiring for ourselves.   We have to be intentional about using our wealth for Kingdom gain instead of our own personal gain.  Totally upside down from the world’s view.  To put others first even in our finances does not come naturally.  All of us know the world goes round and round by money and with money.  Jesus isn’t telling us that having money is a bad thing, but he is making it clear that money and God both battle for first place in our hearts and we must be careful not to let money win; it’s a heart issue.  There will be a choice to make at least once in your life regarding these two masters.  Are you going to help your friend make her bills this month, or are you going to go ahead and stick this extra in the retirement fund?  Do not become a slave to materialism as money will become your master.  Trust that God will take care of His believers who serve God with their money and put others first.  This does not mean Christians who serve God cannot have money, or things.  Jesus is not suggesting that His followers become destitute.  Money for a follower of Jesus, with the heart of a servant, is another tool to be used to further the gospel of Christ.  He is merely pointing out that there can only be one master of your heart.  Make sure you are a servant of God instead of a slave of money.  As for me ... .well, let’s just say I am a work in progress. ~ Amen

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Weary Doing

Let us not become weary doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. ~ Galatians 6:9

I am tired, I am exhausted and sometimes I just want to be selfish and throw in the towel and think only about myself.  Sometimes I feel like I give and give and give and no one is filling me back up.  Juggling the needs of my family, making a meal for a sick co-worker, answering the call to help a friend move and watching my neighbors animals while they go on vacation all in one weekend has proved to push me to the end of my rope.  Now more than ever, I need to lean in and find rest in Jesus.  Jesus also had to find alone time and rest during his time here on earth….so what makes me think I can do without rest?  Jesus is the best example in always doing good, but knowing how and when to rest as not to grow weary in our quest of doing good.  I know as a follower of Jesus I am called to do good and I want to do good, but we must be conscious of not getting disgruntled, or tiresome.  He didn’t give up on us and we must never give up on the mission He has left for us.  Instead, we must strive to be Christlike - to love God and love people.  To show the love of Christ through our walk, talk, and to help others.  To be the hands and feet of Jesus in a changing culture.  Being a light to non-believers of a fulfilling life full of love, joy and peace that they do not see in the world’s way of living.  And we must not give up gently planting the seed of the gospel so that God can grow that seed into a new believer.  Till the hearts, plant and wait patiently.  Repeat.  Do not grow weary and you will see good deeds become a great harvest.  Jesus will continually fill us up when we come to Him to keep doing His work.  He will reward us for our perseverance and for not giving up.  Keep on planting for the harvest will be great! ~ Amen

Perfect Love

There is no fear in love.  But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.  The one who fears is not made perfect in love. ~ 1 John 4:18

Fear has several definitions and according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, fear is:  1) an unpleasant and often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger; 2) an anxious concern; 3) reason for alarm or danger; or 4) profound reverence and awe especially toward God.  As followers of Jesus, the fear we are to have is the fear of reverence and awe, but the fear of danger, or alarm have no place in our walk.  My loving God is not to be feared as an angry and punishing God, but as an unconditional giver of love that conquers all and will never leave those who are his followers.  I do not have to be fearful of what may be coming my way, and I don’t have to be fearful of what is happening around me as long as I have my hope and trust in the Lord.  To be overcome by fear may imply that my trust does not fully rest in Jesus Christ.  He loved us enough to die on a cross for our sins, to pursue us into a relationship with Him and to show us His great love for us.  This is not a God who wants to make us fearful of punishment, but a God who wants to have a mature relationship with you and a God who will never leave you.  Often it is Satan who tries to lull us into fear and shame by whispering lies into our ears whether we are going through difficult circumstances (“if God was a good God, he wouldn’t allow this”), or maybe he likes to tell us that we’ve stumbled to far for God to still love us (“how could God love and forgive you”)?  God is with you through every circumstance and God loves you no matter what you’ve done.  Believes of Christ should be led by the Spirit and fear should not be able to take over our thoughts.  Be in awe of God, but do not be fearful in life.  Instead, call on God for his guidance, live in his love and let his love cast out all your fear. ~ Amen   

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tongue Rejoice

I keep my eyes always on the Lord.  With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.  Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure…~ Psalm 16:8-9

There are many reasons our faith may be shaken in this unstable, broken world.  Turn on the television, or follow any media outlet and in moments you can find negative information and  unrest in our own nation and around the world.  Senseless crimes, illness, political backbiting and unrest, and numerous tragedies abound.  So how do you keep from being overtaken with sadness?  How do you push forward when evil permeates, or tragedies take over your own life?  Trust.  As followers of Jesus, we must ask for his continued guidance and protection over our hearts and minds.  We must ask and expect that no matter what goes on in this wild world, or in our own lives, God has us.  Even when it doesn’t feel like it.  Turn your eyes and heart to God and seek His ways.  Even when you don’t feel like it.  Putting the Lord first and living with your trust in Him brings much joy and peace even in the midst of chaos.  My heart can be peaceful and full of joy when God is my priority and my trust is in Him.  I know that this home on earth is only temporary, but a whisper.  James 4:14 says, “why you do not even know what will happen tomorrow.  What is your life?  You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”  I know that while my body may decay and be left behind here on earth, my eternal glory will be my soul once again with Jesus Christ and I find comfort in knowing this is not my home.  My body is a temporary vessel for my spirit that will live forever.  This world is a pit stop, it is a temporary place to bring honor, glory and praise to Christ so that others may see Him.  For as followers of Christ, we have the benefits of protection and guidance in a messed up world if we would only ask and trust Him to transform our minds.  I don’t rely on the security of the world, or my success.  I rely on God’s strong right hand.  I find goodness and well-being in the thick of God as my refuge.  There is no one like the Alpha & Omega, the Creator of life, the Beginning and the End to put my trust in so that instead of being shaken my heart can rejoice and my mouth proclaim that all is well with my soul! ~ Amen

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Glorious Name

Stand up and praise the Lord your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting.  Blessed be your glorious name, and may it be exalted above all blessing and praise. ~ Nehemiah 9:5

There is nothing as sweet to God’s ears as our voices in worship and praise to him.  Yesterday, today and tomorrow God is eternal and deserves our praise.  Only one God and one name can move mountains, heal the sick, give peace to storms and take away all my sins.  The whole entirety of the earth will sing God’s praise even when people have fallen silent.  Luke 19:40 says, “I tell you, if my people were silent, the very stones would cry out.”  Does this mean that even nature knows who to worship?  I do believe that everything God has created, that all of creation, does in fact bring Him praise.  In short, we will never be able to praise God’s name to the full extent of what he deserves.  God is eternal - forever.  His name is above all names.  He knows everything about you; your struggles and your wins; your good days and your bad days; your accomplishments and your failures;  He knows all.  He is sovereign.  He is known as the great I AM.  He has you.  He is in control.  He is exalted above everything.  He has been here forever and will BE forever.  He has put time and space into motion.  He deserves our undivided attention and praise.  His hand has been in control of all things.  He speaks life, or death into situations.  His eternal nature is one of love and goodness from one generation to the next.  He is good.  He is faithful.  He is holy.  His name is above all and no other name rivals that of Jesus.  At the name of Jesus, Satan has to run.  At the name of Jesus, hearts are healed and miracles are performed.  At the name of Jesus my sins were forgiven and I was made clean.  Praise belongs to Jesus and his name!  Philippians 2:10-11 says, “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”  Under the earth?  So even those in hell will acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, but by that time, it’s going to be too late as they have already made their decision.  When will you decide that his name deserves glory and honor?  He is God alone in the good times and the bad times and we would do well to keep him in his rightful place in our lives.  He alone is worthy of all worship and praise.  If you aren’t praising God, what are you praising?  Let’s make sure our worship and praise is directed to the only name that deserves it all – Jesus Christ. ~ Amen

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Resentment Kills

Resentment kills a fool, and envy slays the simple. ~ Job 5:2

The book of Job is profound, weird, challenging and one of my favorite books in the Bible.  Chalked full of trials, the loss of everything he had once owned, torturous physical pain down to losing his entire family, God allowed a lot of suffering to come upon Job all in the name of a “test”.  Talk about a brutal final exam.  Even though Job has been a righteous and faithful servant of God, God still allows Satan to test Job.  Yet despite horrific suffering and loss, Job still refuses to curse God and remains His faithful servant.  Now on the scene come three of Job’s friends to try to comfort him and what ensues is what sounds more like a theological debate than comfort.  They claim they want to console him, but their attempts seem a bit futile, or misguided.  They just should have kept their mouths shut!  There is no doubt that Job is in the pit of despair, but when Eliphaz suggests that Job must have done something sinful to bring this upon himself and that he needs to repent and ask God for forgiveness, this seems to bring the discussion to a whole new level.  Truly the friends don’t know how to handle this, and surely don’t have the right words to say about their friends' situation.  They don’t understand why this is happening.  So it is, or will be…. with your life.  With my life.  There will be times when we don’t understand why we are going through what we are going through.  You may have had things happen to you in the past that you still wrestle with and are harboring bitterness over.  This verse, Job 5:2, struck me hard and I heard this loud and clear in my head, “LET IT GO!  GIVE IT TO ME!  DO NOT LET IT DESTROY YOU!  THEY WILL CONTINUE TO HURT YOU UNTIL YOU LET THE BITTERNESS GO!”  There is nothing but destruction when we hold onto resentment, bitterness, or envy against people, or even God.  The verse can’t be any clearer, “resentment kills”.  It kills relationships, it leads to pain, and it will become your stumbling block if you don’t lay it at Jesus’ feet and let go.  At the end of Job, God restores Job’s life with more than what he had before Satan messed with him.  The Lord restored everything and more.  He wants to do the same for you.  Don’t let life’s trials, your past, or I dare say, even a test from God fill you with bitterness, jealousy, resentment, or envy.  Let it go! ~ Amen

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Spirit Fruit

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  Against such things there is no law. ~ Galatians 5:22-23

I love fruit, all of it!  Apples, bananas, berries, peaches, plums, nectarines, grapes - you name it, I like almost all of it.  Fruit is naturally sweet and delicious and good for your body.  Well, the fruit of the spirit is sweet, delicious, good for your soul and great to share.  In Galatians 5:19-21, Apostle Paul lays out what are the obvious acts of the flesh; which tend to be very stinky, destructive and unpleasant. “The acts of the flesh are obvious:  sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies and the like. I warn you as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.”  They are not called fruit, but instead “acts”; they are unsavory behaviors.  What about that list is delicious?  Sweet?  Good for you?  For most of us, our fleshly desires come naturally to us without much thought because we are all born sinful and have to choose to intentionally nurture the fruit of the spirit once we become followers of Jesus.  We are called to give up the selfish lifestyle and lead a servant lifestyle.  I have to cultivate my relationship with Jesus and seek His face so that the Holy Spirit can cultivate and grow my spiritual fruit so that I may be the best representation of Jesus I can be.  I want to represent these life giving qualities instead of representing destruction and self-centeredness.  Furthermore, if I claim to be a follower of Jesus and if I am letting the Holy Spirit lead my life, then I had better see the fruit of the spirit flow; otherwise there must be a disconnect.  For the fruit of the spirit is evidence of our connection to Jesus.  John 15:5 states this clearly, “I am the vine; you are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”  Jesus longs for this connection and he wants to leave the Holy Spirit with you so that you may experience this good fruit.  So stay connected, let the Holy Spirit lead you, pray for growth and be intentional about following Jesus and in no time, you will reap a great harvest. ~ Amen

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Blessed Transgressions

Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. ~ Psalm 32:1

I hate when I give in to sin and temptation, but I am not going to lie and say that I don’t - I am human.  However, when I do “cross the line”, I am so thankful that I can come to Christ, confess my sins and know that I am forgiven and have a clean slate once again.  Sin will eat at your insides and zap your strength and keep you at arm's length with Christ until you come to Him and confess so that you can be clear of the heavy burden.  Christ wants you to come so that he can give you the gift of forgiveness that he brutally paid for.  The impurity of our sins will be mercifully and gracefully covered to be seen no more so that you can stand in the presence of the Lord joyfully.  Jesus died for all mankind, but only those who have accepted Him as their Lord and Savior and have become His follower have the true gift of forgiveness of sins.  Forgiveness is a promise given to every believer, but it comes with a warning.  Matthew 6:14-15 says, “For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”  As followers of Christ, we must be obedient to our calling of forgiving people who have hurt us, or wronged us – this is the only way you will not be judged on the day you stand before the one who has forgiven you.  The scripture is clear; we will be judged on this attitude of forgiveness when we stand before Christ.  Was I forgiving?  Did I forgive?  Was I gracious and full of mercy to my offender(s)?  Or did I play the victim and remain bitter?  We must forgive as Christ has forgiven us.  Go to Him now, confess your sin, get a clean slate and forgive others.  Your heart and soul will be more joyful. ~ Amen

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...