Friday, May 30, 2008

Retaining Information

Two years ago I fell into becoming a "day care lady" and while I never dreamed of watching other peoples' kids as a source of income, here I am and I have to say I rather enjoy this vocation. However; today one of the downsides of doing such work poked its head when the little red headed, spit fire, yet bubbly little 1 year old girl said, "Good-bye," until August. Her mom is a school teacher and now with the summer here Mickale will be spending her time with mom. I am happy for them, but a little sad, it's kind of like watching one of your own go out the door; I didn't think I'd get attached to these kids when I started this two years ago by accident. Oh well, such is life, I know we'll see her during the summer and I know she'll have a blast with her mommy. Samuel is over at his friend Cara's house and I'm sure they are having a great time in the water park ala Fabian style and being a little more loud than Lisa would like, but summer fun is starting for everyone. Hopefully I'll be able to help Samuel retain the information he learned in kindergarten throughout the summer. I know when I was in kindergarten I don't remember keeping up with lessons during the summer with my mom, but I can tell you that I'm pretty sure I didn't learn what he did until the 1st, or 2nd grade either; WOW! For now, at least until June (yes, June, just a few days away) I think he'll be able to retain the information. ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...