Friday, May 23, 2008

I am listening to the sound of book pages ripping from the upstairs play area and do you think at 5:00 p.m. I really care? Not really. Yeah I know, books are precious, but we have so many that I really don't go ballistic when I hear a few pages tearing; now hearing the upstairs toilet flush when I'm not up there is a different story (and all of you with boys know what I mean). My husband is up in the mountains today to attend a funeral and do business; nothing like writing off a trip when there is death involved, that's just not right to mix the two. Oh well, maybe he'll go to my sister's college graduation barbecue that we didn't think we'd make; that would be a nice surprise. In any case, my six year old is extremely excited that he only has three days of school left until he has "90 days off" as he tries to explain summer vacation. Today he came home with an empty homework folder and evidently the end of the year is making me slack a little also because I didn't even feel the need to ask him where his work was...kindergartenideous. HA! Isaac is driving me a little nuts; this is our morning conversation: "Where are we going today mommy?" Nowhere. "Who's coming over today?" Nobody. "Is Frank and Cara?" No. "Do we have Bible study today?" No. "Do we have MOPS?" No. "Do we have Club 3:16?" No. "Well than what are we going to do....(whine)?" Why do kids think we need to have a three ring circus at all times? Don't you think we do enough already? Oh well, at least his brother will be home to keep him company all day soon enough. Then I'm sure my days will be filled with bickering. Such is life. ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...