Sunday, May 11, 2008

I love Mother's Day, but I hate my expectations of what I should receive; whether it be of time, or gifts. I envision a grandiose day with breakfast, lunch and dinner served to me from a restaurant menu; two - three hours of alone time to do whatever I want and than my Mother's Day fantasy ends with a fabulous spa treatment and movie. Instead, I get handmade gifts (which I do treasure) and a nice Sunday afternoon brunch (which I inhale); all of which I think are marvelous, but somehow never live up to my firework, parade throwing and royal idea of a day. Not to minimize what my husband, step-daughters and sons do for me on Mother's Day because I don't want to be selfish, or ungrateful --- I really don't! However, am I the only Mother who feels this way? For now I'll be grateful that I didn't have to cook this afternoon, use my new Bed and Bath Bodywork's hand towels and lotion set, frame the homemade poems and hand prints, read the book and write with the pen my step-daughter presented to me, and plant some flowers all while enjoying a cup of Starbucks coffee. Holy cow! I guess I am ungrateful...I need to call my mother again and tell her to be looking for a very big box; I need to make up for some lost time myself. Imagine that!

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...