Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I just finished mopping my hard wood floors and while I love the look of them, I find them to be harder to clean. I know, I know...everyone says they are easier, but I feel the need to vacuum over them with my floor sweeper before being able to mop them and sometimes I feel like that's harder work. Maybe it's the sheer volume of hard wood floor I have to clean that makes it feel like it takes forever; in any case I'm glad I'm done with that weekly chore/exercise. My husband is over at the store with my four year old buying our supply that usually lasts about a week or so, but with my six year old eating everything in sight these days it will probably last all of three days. Grocery store shopping is not my favorite thing to do, but my husband loves it; he likes to see what savings he can get, especially now with the price of he goes and I get to unload all the bags when he gets home with him hoovering over me to see if I approve of his purchases and "prizes"; which I always do. Samuel is at school and he is all excited now that he only has six more days left before he is out for the summer. Let's face it, I'm excited for the fact that I won't have to help him with homework, more like ride his rear to get it done, for a couple of months. ~

1 comment:

mntmomof3 said...


OMG you are so funny. So I just wanted to let you know that you are not the only one in the world that thinks that keeping hard wood floors is WAY HARDER than keeping up with carpet! With carpet all you do is vacum and it has nice lines and no mess and with wood floors even clean it has streaks and dust and you can never sweep up every crumb!! Since Justin really wanted hardwood floors over nice plush carpet - I make him mop!

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...