Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Financial Clearing

This is the year of financial clearing for us: no more automatic with drawls from the checking account for things we don't need; we only have one more credit card to pay down and then it's no more of those plastic traps; and than the decision to downsize on the car payment (really, I find it ridiculous to spend more than $300 on a car payment). This seems like easy, common sense ideas to slimming down our monthly finances and it is working, but I tell you what, this has been an eye opener to me with regards to all the items I have "EFT"ed out of my! My husband and I sat down and asked ourselves, "Is this something we really use, or need?" I have to say that's it's amazing how many things we have canceled due to lack of not only use, but we don't even need. There is something really wrong with our culture and the American way when it comes to money and debt. It's as if we are all trying our hardest to outdo each other materialistically without even caring, or realizing the effect it has on our kids, families and other relationships. I've often wondered, what are we teaching our children? Is there going to be anything left to leave them? I'm supposed to leave them an inheritance. I don't want their lives to be all about acquiring more stuff. We've even entertained the idea of downsizing our home and I really don't think we'll go that far, but why not? I'll tell you, because people would think we are nuts for wanting to save more (we are trying to rebuild savings after a trying year) and no one wants to be looked upon with a frown.... so we all tend to overspend and overextend ourselves so that we can keep the appearance up for everyone else (talk about ridiculous; it's nobody else's business). I personally find myself more at peace when I think of having very little in the way of material, but a good amount in savings for the "just in case" events that happen in life. So...why am I blogging this today? Because another "EFT" bit the dust this morning and I feel good about our progress; much like you feel good passing up on the chocolate donut when you're on a diet, but you still sometimes crave what you can't have; that's me - I'm happy with our progress, but if I'm honest with myself I do crave what I don't have any longer. However; the flip side is that just like you drop weight on a diet, we are dropping financial pounds and will be healthier in the long run for it. And that's something I can get behind. ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...