Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I don't know how I'm not sick more often. After all, three of the four kids I have running through this house are sick and one with some sort of stomach bug on top of the cold. In any case, I'm glad I don't get sick to often (some say it's because all of the spicy food I eat), but I have to say that I get a ton done around the house when my kids are down. Samuel is one of those kids who will lay on the couch all day and you'll never hear a sound out of him until he spit vomits in the pan he insists on keeping next to him; he doesn't even moan or groan let alone cry. If he needs something he still politely asks for it and when I say, "I'm sorry you don't feel good, honey," he still says "That's okay mom." Then there is Isaac who doesn't complain either. He just runs around like he's fine and then hits the wall. The next thing I hear is, "Mom, I'm going to lay on the couch and take a rest." Then in about half an hour it's through the same cycle again. However, when he is feeling better it's as if he's trying to make up for lost time; it's as if the cold actually hypes him up; he gets so nuts! Then there are the men; the husbands, the ones that are supposed to be strong; the ones that claim they can do anything; anything......except a cold. You know what I mean, and you know who you are (you just won't admit it). So there it is....the mom who rarely gets a break even when she's dragging sick and those spouses who can't move, or get out of bed because they just used the last of their energy to blow their nose; they must have gotten something from the kids, and it's "really bad". Actually, I can't complain to much in this area, my husband doesn't complain either; where do you think the boys got there ill techniques from? You really didn't think it was from me did you? After all, listen to me, I'm a big complainer! ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...