Monday, May 12, 2008

I am sitting here looking at the load of laundry I need to put in the washer and wondering how many times I've seen the same t-shirt go through this cycle in a week. I really need some new clothes, but I really don't like to spend money and so to go shopping is a huge step for me. My husband is working feverishly downstairs on a mortgage loan he is doing for a client and so I chalk up another bad day for him as this particular industry has become such a monster now days that it's almost impossible for anyone to qualify for a loan anymore and the situation has created numerous headaches for my husband on any given day. I'm sure he's not the only HONEST mortgage broker trying to help people out of their ARM situations while still making a living, but he is having a heck of a time. My oldest son is getting a little restless with his little brother and he keeps bugging me to play on the computer. At six years old he is more computer savvy than me and I am afraid we may be raising a whole bunch of youngsters that have a better relationship with machines and computers than with people at the rate technology is going. My three year old turns four this week and I am a little freaked out that my baby is no longer so little. This time next year and I'll have two getting ready for school in the fall; nobody told me that time flies by faster when you have kids, but I think it does.

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...