Sunday, September 27, 2009

Called Us

When I was a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. ~ 1 Corinthinas 13:11

Can you remember a defining moment in your life when you knew it was time to start acting like an adult? Do remember the "ah ha"moment when you realized you had great responsibility now as you turned the corner into adult hood? For me it was when the doctor handed me my first born son. I thought Oh my gosh, what am I doing? I am responsible for this little guy and I pray I don't let him down. I am truly a grown up now. Unfortunately, we still have what I can a bunch of grown up toddlers running around who could actually learn a thing or two from the four year old that they are responsible for. There is a fine line between thinking like a child and acting like a child and far to often we adults tend to do the latter. We need to realize that we are called to take the higher road as adults and sometimes that means extending graces were they are not always appreciated. I am amazed at the lack of tolerance we have for each other and the complete tantrums we throw when we don't get our own way. Instead of putting our childish ways behind us, all a lot of us have done is sub press them until we feel the need to get our own way. We need to put the childish act of selfishness behind us, leave it there, and show the next generation the best act of love; unselfishness and sacrifice. We need to be the hero in our relationships and step up to the plate instead of waiting for the other one to do it; we need to be gracious when overlooked for a job advance; and we need to be watching and guarding our tongues from gossip (just to name a few areas). After all, the biggest act of love was modeled for us thousands of years ago and now it's our responsibility to walk the walk we want our children to follow. It is not okay to act 4 when you're really 34 (unless, of course, you are playing with your children) lets start walking in the maturity that God has called us too. ~

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