Sunday, September 6, 2009

What Concept

Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." ~ Matthew 18:3-4

Have you ever wondered what kind of purposeful life you could have if you just listened to Jesus all the time? I've often thought Janine, your life would be so much easier if you would remember Jesus' promises and if you would just listen. The above scripture is one of those for me. If I would only listen to the plain truth in this verse and remember it I think my life would be so much easier and simpler. After all, I have never known God, or His Sovereign Son to lie to me, but if there was any doubt, He reassures me by saying, "I tell you the truth...". Therefore, I am led to believe if I could just come to Him like my children come to me than I would be better for it. This is the only instance in our harried lives where we are charged to act like little children no matter our age, our status, our successes, or our many failures. To give ourselves humbly to God ~ there is freedom in that. I don't know about you, but I plan on spending my eternity in a place of happiness, joy and constant praise to a worthy and glorious God. I don't want to spend my eternity in a place of gnashing teeth and burning, according to this scripture, I had better learn to humble myself before my God. After all, contrary to belief, this world is not all about you, or me, it's all about the one who created it and we need to be humble before a (and hold on to your hats, this is a new one for some of you) JEALOUS God. To let go of the ego and let ourselves lose control in the only one who has real control. This is humility and total freedom. Just as our young children rely on us for most of the guidance, direction and control in their lives, we need to rely on God for the guidance, direction and control in our lives so that we can become humble humans. After all, don't you want to be great? I I'm going to learn to let go and humbly let God. What a concept. ~

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