Monday, August 6, 2012

Well Pleased

And a voice came from heaven:  "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."  ~ Mark 1:11

Shortly after I told my son to be careful with the full glass of milk he had poured himself guess what was spilled all over the freshly mopped kitchen floor?  You guessed it.  Remembering that I had promised to work on my yelling; which I have a habit of, I quickly ran over to the sink to grab a wet rag biting my lower lip to keep my mouth shut.  If you have never seen a disappointment in the face of a child when they are mad at themselves, then you should have been at my house that day - he was upset with himself big time!  Was this the time to reprimand my child?  No, not now and boy was I glad I kept my big mouth shut.  What I decided to do in that moment was give my son a hug and let him know it was okay and that he did not need to be so hard on himself - it was, after all, just spilled milk.  You know, Jesus knew who he was, but it's nice to hear that even he had those days when he had to be reassured by his Father that everything was going to be okay.  Yeah, Jesus being tempted by the devil for 40 days is a little bit different then spilled milk, but the principle is the same.  Let's lift each other up through trials, tough times and life in general.  Disappointment and times of testing can come along at anytime during this life-long journey.  Let's be there for each other and don't forget to love on your loved ones including friends and even some hard-heartened family sometimes with a "well-pleased" attitude! ~  AMEN

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...