Sunday, December 21, 2014

Brilliant Piece

For we are God's workmanship; created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. ~ Ephesians 2:10

Do you realize that you are a brilliant piece of artwork?  Even though there are days when you don't feel like much of anything, think about this - you've been beautifully made not one, but twice over. And there is not, nor will there be another you! Identical twins even have a different set of fingerprints. God knew the number of your days before you were even born and then revamped and remodeled you from inside out when you became a believer.  So it's no wonder that we are called to go out and share this wonderful news with others while helping whenever and wherever we can.  His will for us is to become bright lights for him in our very own community while sharing the redeeming news of his grace.  For there are some people in this world, that only YOU can touch; people that God has placed in YOUR path for that special touch, word, or act of kindness that they need that no one else would either be able to give to that person, or that person would not be able to accept from anyone else. Let's not forget that we must have faith first and it's not ONLY by our good works that we are saved - grace is a FREE gift; however, whenever we can make a meal for a struggling friend, give someone a ride to the doctor, or even offer a friendly smile to someone as we cross paths, our God is pleased.  Be mindful of God breathed opportunities and jump on them!  You never know when you may be planting a seed, or helping am angel in disguise.  Pray that God can use you and will lead you to the people that you can effectively minister too.  If you hear a still small voice telling you to do a good and kind deed, jump on it!  Do not turn a deaf ear. ~ 

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...