Monday, February 15, 2016

Show Me

Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. ~ Psalm 25:4

Have you ever long to understand something?  Long to get to know someone better?  It is possible to know of someone without really knowing them.  Its is also possible to know OF God, but really not KNOW Him.  I long to be completely consumed by my Lord and by searching and seeking His holy Word, I am learning, granted little by little, but nonetheless, I am still learning what it is to give Him my all.  We must truly seek Him and listen to His counsel with our eyes wide while trusting Him to show us the right path for our lives.  We must have a reverent fear of God; to be in absolute awe of what He can do in our favor and sometimes even what he can do outside of what we would favor for our own good.  Since sin keeps us from our loving Father, we must confess them to Him so He can bring restoration to our relationship with Him.  If we hold on to our selfish sin and don't confess and ask for forgiveness, we can not be cleansed and I dare say, the Lord will not have, nor has he promised to listen to my cries (Psalm 66:18).  When trials come into our lives, when tragedy strikes, it's not always a sign of God's disgust with us, but sometimes it's God's way of drawing US closer to Him in hopes that we will learn to lean on Him for perfect peace and to surrender ourselves and our control to the one who created us; to put our priorities back in line and to learn to trust whole heartily our Majestic Creator.  Knowing God may lead us into sorrow and horrendous pain, but at least we know we are never alone and if we follow his righteous path, we will always come out the other side better.  Jesus, God's own son, suffered terrible torture, betrayal, and prosecution.....why wouldn't we?  The path of Christianity was never a promised path of roses, but one full of promised trials.  But take heart, we are never alone and he will point out the right path if we only ask. ~

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...