Monday, July 17, 2023

Humble Themselves

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sins and will heal their land. ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14

In 40 plus years of faithfully following Jesus, I have read and heard this verse hundreds of times, but it wasn't until recently that the first three words hit me like a mac truck.  IF MY PEOPLE - do you understand?  Do you realize that is a direct description and calling out to those of us who call ourselves Christians?  IF - we are so quick to judge others by their crazy beliefs and their sins that we tend to ride a high horse and forget to look at ourselves (me included)  The judgement in Chronicles was meant for Israel to turn from their wicked ways and obey; we are called to do the same even if our neighbors don't as they haven't accepted Christ as their true savior yet.  Not to say that they are void of any consequences and can act however hurtful, or sinful that they want, but we followers should know better and have committed to making ourselves more Christ-like and less worldly.  Are we doing a good job at that? Do we point, gossip about and judge the sins of others when our own life looks just as filthy?  Your neighbor is having an extra-marital affair, but you are secretly watching pornography at night; just because your sin in hidden doesn't make it any less sin.  Your co-worker shows up to work drunk more than once, but your raging outburst towards your spouse/kids night after night is no better.  You talk about the hard work you have done to reach all your goals and accomplishments only to cut down those who you feel don't work hard enough; those you label beneath you.  Your pride gets in the way of your humility.  Sin is sin to God; whether visible, or hidden in the dark, or heart.  I dare say we could use some help.  It may not deliver our country, but if we would pray, live according to God's word, pray for our leaders and the authority God has allowed to be placed over us (even those we don't agree with) I would expect their would be change in our hearts and maybe even in our communities.  As believers, God will use us for His will, whatever that may be, but we must learn and remember to look at ourselves first.  You can't effectively show someone how to clean house if your house is dirty.  Look within.  IF MY PEOPLE.  Let's change ourselves.  It's our calling first. ~ AMEN

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...