Sunday, June 28, 2009

Want That

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! ~ 2 Corinthians 5:17

It's an amazing gift. Someone makes an unbearable sacrifice and we all benefit from it. I once heard our pastor say, "God bankrupted heaven for you and I"; what a thought, but oh so true. All you have to do is accept Jesus Christ for who he is as the son of God and that he died for you and accept that gift from the cross and you are a new creation. Something supernatural happens. My mind puts it into terms of a caterpillar turning into a beautiful butterfly; it's a transformation that is so complete that there is no remnants of the caterpillar attributes any longer; you only see the beauty in the new creation. Some of us need to shout, "THANK GOD!" to the fact that the old has gone; it's not a person we may even want to, or need to recognize. The dirty is washed and made completely clean; it's Clorox bleach on turbo strength and it's glorious. We now belong to a new world filled with hope, peace and joy that can replace the doubt, turmoil and fear that we once lived in. As a new creation we are born into a spirit world that goes to battle for us throughout this temporary life here on planet earth. We are now part of a bigger plan, a bigger purpose and we are called a child of the Almighty God our Father. Who doesn't want that? Hallelujah! ~

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Promise You

Has not the Lord made them one? In flesh and spirit they are his. And why one? Because he was seeking godly offspring. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with the wife of your youth. ~ Malachi 2:15

Have you ever heard, "Well, we were young and stupid and really didn't know what we were we split. We are better off for it." ? There is no doubt that in some situations you may have made a hasty choice in getting married, but the bible is clear that you should not leave the wife of your youth. Not to mention that the fact remains that you must have loved each other enough at one point in your life to get what changed? You just failed to work on it, or one of you failed to work on it and chose the easy way out; after all, nobody ever promised that marriage would be easy, it's a daily choice. I am a very proud daughter of two individuals who got married young (mom was 16 and dad was 18) and even though it was terribly hard at times and they may have had second thoughts, they persevered and took their covenant with each other and God seriously. Now let me say that if there is abuse in your relationship I believe you must, I repeat MUST get out, but for all of you who are toying with the idea of divorce because you don't think you are in love with that person anymore, I say, "WORK ON IT!" God has made married couples one, one flesh, one body, that's one of the reasons sex is prohibited outside of marriage ~ it is a total experience for not just your body, but your mind, spirit and soul become connected forever. It's a very spiritual act that Americans distorted to new levels and in ways that is only pleasing to the devil. He totally wants you to give yourself up to everyone at all times so that he can destroy you piece by piece as you literally give yourself away. Let's revive America by sticking it out with our spouses and giving all we can to our marriages. We deserve it and so do our children! So to my friend....stick it out and I promise you'll be glad you did. I love you. ~

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Journey Out

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." ~ John 16:33

Do you ever feel like you are constantly bombarded with tremendous trials and troubles? Especially in this financial crisis that America is wading thickly through there seems to be mountains of trouble. The basic meaning of trouble in Greek is pressure; which we all know comes in many different forms and many dysfunctional shapes. There is the pressure to perform well on the job, on a test, in school, the pressure to be a good mom, a better mom, a good dad, a better dad, the pressure to live up to expectations of other and those of our own and even the pressure to live the lifestyle our neighbor has even if we can't really afford it. PRESSURE! All of these pressures if internalized and dwelt on long enough, can become monstrous trouble if we are not focused on the creator of this wonderful world. The pressure builds up and the trouble starts and sometimes our lives start to slide down a slippery path that thwarts our very existence. May I also suggest that just living in this world and being a part of it can be troublesome enough for those of us living for Christ; our troubles, or at least for me, sometimes feel magnified ten times over just because of the spiritual warfare that I know goes on around me. However, Jesus has triumphed over this world! AMEN! We need to take courage; we need to stand up strong as we share in that triumphant victory over this world and it's sometimes sickening ways. Jesus has won and as a follower of the Almighty, I have too! Thank you Jesus that we know who wins in the end and that this is a journey not to take to seriously. This is not my home and I will be triumphant! Take that peace with you and journey out my friend, journey out! ~

Submit Yourselves

Submit yourselves, then, to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. ~ James 4:7 Trust.  It’s all about trust.  In today’s world w...