Friday, August 26, 2011

Without Hindrance

Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ. ~ Acts 28:31 (NIV)

So often I have the opportunity to preach the word of God, but it is often WITH great hindrance and I would venture to say there is no "bold" to any kind of my lifestyle evangelism even in the slightest. Throughout my day I could run into a gamut of people pushing their life along also, but how many of them truly know that I have a passionate relationship with Jesus Christ? God expects that the gospel and the Holy Spirit would continue to penetrate this world until the very end of time; that people would continue to preach of his love, grace, wisdom and unbelievable understanding and not just with our words, but with our actions. Loving each other, caring for each other, taking a meal to an elderly couple, or even helping a single mom care for her young children could all be ways in which to boldly show our love for Christ. Making triumphal noises to the Holy Spirit when He shuts down the sometime elusive enemy is a great proclamation for Christ's children and we need to shout it out and make a joyful noise! ~

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Exalted Lord

O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.
~ Isaiah 25:1 (NIV)

While I may not always agree, or see where God is leading me, I always find that every one of His promises are true and He is far more faithful to me than I am to Him on a daily basis. While I sometimes forget all the wonders God has performed, I still can't deny that He has defeated evil principalities that have surrounded me and my family. Amazing comfort and peace has come to me in the midst of oppressing trails and puzzling pain; which can only be explained one way - the Holy Spirit. Thank you God that you have a perfect plan for me even when I feel like I have driven this train called life into the ditch. Thank you for being faithful in the good times and in the trials. Thank you for loving me even before I loved you. Praise be your name! Please help me to be mindful of everything you have done and help me to honor you always. In everything you have planned for me, good & bad, help me to give glory to you and exalt your glorious name always. Amen. ~

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Unjust Laws

Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless. ~ Isaiah 10:1-2 (NIV)

WOE TO AMERICA! WAKE UP! Absolute ignorance turns their cheek on those in need (sound like a governing system you know ? Me too). Power turns evil when used only for personal gain instead of the betterment of the world in which we live. Our need for control and power has only created rebellion rapidly shouting for unmoral, ridiculous rights and laws. But to valiantly fight for such oppression of Gods laws is not only ungodly, but will have phenomenal repercussions in the long run. Hey, don't get mad at me, I'm just the messenger...pick up a Bible again America! Not to mention the fact that the Almighty God looks on the widows and fatherless with massive amounts of lavishing love and to prey on them is to prey of God. Please take a hard look at yourself; do you like to be in charge because it fees good to have huge amounts of control over people and to secure your gain, or do you enjoy power to help those who could use your unmerited favor? In your community their are probably plenty of widows and fatherless children along with countless other hurting people that you could help. Find them and reach out to them. Do not make anyone feel less of a person, or less important; they are also God's children and made in His image incredibly designed and unconditionally loved. WOE TO AMERICA! WAKE UP! ~

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bruised Reed

A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice, he will not falter, or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his law the islands will put their hope.
~ Isaiah 42:3-4 (NIV)

God requires justice; maybe not here on this faltering earth while we are here, but one day He will bring forth his mighty justice. In the same way, he will protect the innocent and the weak during times of injustice and give them the courageous strength to toil on. The real hope, strength and peace comes from knowing that true justice will come and so we can let go of the vengeful thoughts we have and trust in Him. Come to grips with what you need justice about and pray to the Lord Almighty that He would clear your thoughts and that you would be able to let go of the wrongs done to you intentionally, or unintentionally through his awesome grace. Righteousness will be gladly given to those who put their hope and sometimes smoldering faith in Him. Please hold on and remember that only His children will win in the end and final justice will then take charge! ~

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...