Sunday, September 4, 2011

Self Controlled

Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. ~ 1 Peter 1:13

The thought of self control in a world out of control is hard to imagine. What does that look like? If we are to prepare our minds for action and be self controlled, that's kind of hard to do; especially when we want what we want now to meet this selfish worlds ranks of "success". Prepare to be self controlled; I think God Almighty knew we would need mounds of holy help here. We are to live for the home that we have yet to journey to; a home that does not exist here on Earth, but our eternal home situated in the great heavenly host. We are to practice delayed gratification; which is a lost art, instead of deadly debt. To prepare my mind is one thing, but to actually actively live that out day by dragging day is a definite challenge! There is no hard time being self controlled in criminal, sexual, illegal, or immoral activities for me, but to be self controlled with my thoughts is to take them by high command and capture them thoroughly. Someone figure out how to do that without God and I'll show you a very worldly man, for only with His mighty power can my mind by completely captured and ready for honest and holy action. ~

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