Sunday, December 21, 2014

Brilliant Piece

For we are God's workmanship; created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. ~ Ephesians 2:10

Do you realize that you are a brilliant piece of artwork?  Even though there are days when you don't feel like much of anything, think about this - you've been beautifully made not one, but twice over. And there is not, nor will there be another you! Identical twins even have a different set of fingerprints. God knew the number of your days before you were even born and then revamped and remodeled you from inside out when you became a believer.  So it's no wonder that we are called to go out and share this wonderful news with others while helping whenever and wherever we can.  His will for us is to become bright lights for him in our very own community while sharing the redeeming news of his grace.  For there are some people in this world, that only YOU can touch; people that God has placed in YOUR path for that special touch, word, or act of kindness that they need that no one else would either be able to give to that person, or that person would not be able to accept from anyone else. Let's not forget that we must have faith first and it's not ONLY by our good works that we are saved - grace is a FREE gift; however, whenever we can make a meal for a struggling friend, give someone a ride to the doctor, or even offer a friendly smile to someone as we cross paths, our God is pleased.  Be mindful of God breathed opportunities and jump on them!  You never know when you may be planting a seed, or helping am angel in disguise.  Pray that God can use you and will lead you to the people that you can effectively minister too.  If you hear a still small voice telling you to do a good and kind deed, jump on it!  Do not turn a deaf ear. ~ 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Selfish Ambition

Do nothing out of selfish ambition, or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. ~ Philippians 2:3

Humility.  Just this morning I heard a study on the radio saying that the number one quality trait of a good leader is..........humility.  After all, people don't have a hard time following a boss, a quarterback, or a manager of any kind, younger, or older if that leader recognizes, appreciates and is thankful for the "team" that is backing them up.  If they are humble, they recognize that it takes everyone to make things run smoothly and they are not an ego hound.  When I hear that spiritual principal my shoulders automatically lower and hunch forward and my head hangs as I think there is no way on earth I will ever master humility.  Life here is not full of humility, but instead, a lot of the times it is filled with self-centeredness, insane narcissism, and polished pride.  Let's face it, we are a fallen people in a world who, more than not, thinks only of ourselves.  You have to be intentional to think of others first.  No, humility is a characteristic trait we have to consciously and consistently keep in check.  Jesus selfishly gave all the time during his 33 years here and trumped us all by selfishly giving his life when he could have called HUGE angels and armies of them to come rescue his beaten and torn body.  We believers know this, why is it so hard for us to always live it?  It's a big standard for us to live up to, but God graciously blesses those who will willingly walk in humility instead of pride.  It means to be constantly aware of our weaknesses and to give credit where credit is due; most likely to others and of course, to God.  We need to be quicker to pat the other guys' back instead of our own first.  There is no such thing as a "self-made" man; be humble enough to understand that; there is a creator who endowed you with gifts and the ability to use them to get where you are.  Only God can give you the wisdom, strength, and perseverance for you to accomplish anything of great value, so go humbly before him and be thankful at HIS feet.  It is hard to have the courage to always share the glory, but we are called to be humble because we are a sinful mess without HIM.  To keep our humility in check is to put others and God first.  After all, HE put YOU first when he didn't have too. ~ AMEN

Monday, May 26, 2014

Forgiveness; Really?

But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. ~ Matthew 6:15

"But you have no idea what they did!  How bad they have hurt me!  Am I really supposed to just forgive them?  If I do that, they'll hurt me again.  I will be giving them an open and free ticket to hurt me all over." 
Forgiveness isn't about them!  It's about you, about me, about us.  Healing your heart from rage, anger, resentment and bitterness that will eat you alive.  Believe me, I struggle with the idea of forgiveness myself, so I don't have it all together, or all the answers, but I know what my God, the author of forgiveness says about the subject.  If you, or I, claim to want to follow Jesus, we must learn to forgive.  Yes, I know, Jesus is perfect and as humans we will never attain that righteousness, but I know I am trying daily for that right heart in forgiveness.  I believe if we give it a heart felt try and God sees that, He has no choice but to bless it, but only if our hearts and motives are right.  I have to believe it, and I have felt the peace that passes understanding through forgiveness, so I don't know why I still struggle with it;  I chalk it up to us being human and not being able to fully understand everything spiritual, but I will one day completely get it.  I pray that God will help me to be more forgiving and I expect him to show up!  Here's the tricky part, I must be willing to forgive, or God will not forgive me my offenses.  YIKES!  I want forgiveness!  I need forgiveness!  So do you. See, we don't really have a choice here; God has drawn a strong line.  I believe He knows I will struggle with this concept and He knows I am not perfect, so He is really asking me to lean on Him with an open and honest heart willing to let Him take the offense and to let Him help me forgive and He will take care of the rest.  I have to remind myself....I am not perfect; why should I think others should be.  I need to lean into Him, ask Him to help me forgive with a willing heart and then watch...God will transform my pain into restoration.  I expect it! ~ AMEN

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Childlike Faith

People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them.  When Jesus saw this, he was indignant.  He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."  ~ Mark 10:13-14

Children are so innocent.  Most of them are not hindered by dishonesty, disloyalty, or tainted by lies that most of us adults have experienced; most have yet to experience anguish and extreme pain and so it's pretty easy for them to trust and believe whatever an adult may say, or do.  Jesus knows that this life becomes full of human errors known as sin and soon we become somewhat hardened, and even accept sin as a way of life therefore shoving our faith to the side.  However, it's in those times that Jesus says we need to be more like a toddler who runs to his parents' open arms at the first sight of pain and let him love us, envelope us, and comfort us.  Jesus knows that we feel unworthy, unwanted, unloved and completely empty at times, but that's when we need to run to his strong arms and draw near to him to fully understand our need of him.  We should take notes from our own children and their relationship to us in times of sadness, hurt, anger, frustration, complete pain and the need for help and we should run to our Heavenly Father and fall into his arms.  For only he can fully restore.  We were not meant to be independent and do this life without him - run to your Father!  ~ AMEN

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...