Monday, May 26, 2014

Forgiveness; Really?

But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. ~ Matthew 6:15

"But you have no idea what they did!  How bad they have hurt me!  Am I really supposed to just forgive them?  If I do that, they'll hurt me again.  I will be giving them an open and free ticket to hurt me all over." 
Forgiveness isn't about them!  It's about you, about me, about us.  Healing your heart from rage, anger, resentment and bitterness that will eat you alive.  Believe me, I struggle with the idea of forgiveness myself, so I don't have it all together, or all the answers, but I know what my God, the author of forgiveness says about the subject.  If you, or I, claim to want to follow Jesus, we must learn to forgive.  Yes, I know, Jesus is perfect and as humans we will never attain that righteousness, but I know I am trying daily for that right heart in forgiveness.  I believe if we give it a heart felt try and God sees that, He has no choice but to bless it, but only if our hearts and motives are right.  I have to believe it, and I have felt the peace that passes understanding through forgiveness, so I don't know why I still struggle with it;  I chalk it up to us being human and not being able to fully understand everything spiritual, but I will one day completely get it.  I pray that God will help me to be more forgiving and I expect him to show up!  Here's the tricky part, I must be willing to forgive, or God will not forgive me my offenses.  YIKES!  I want forgiveness!  I need forgiveness!  So do you. See, we don't really have a choice here; God has drawn a strong line.  I believe He knows I will struggle with this concept and He knows I am not perfect, so He is really asking me to lean on Him with an open and honest heart willing to let Him take the offense and to let Him help me forgive and He will take care of the rest.  I have to remind myself....I am not perfect; why should I think others should be.  I need to lean into Him, ask Him to help me forgive with a willing heart and then watch...God will transform my pain into restoration.  I expect it! ~ AMEN

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