Sunday, November 19, 2023

Rejoice Again

 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. ~ Philippians 4:4

While we get ready for another splendid Thanksgiving season I reflect on what I am thankful for and realize that I have no words for what I am feeling.  We have had a challenging, but very blessed year.  Prayer and a thankful heart has carried me personally through some painful hurts.  People have rejected me because of my faith, people have hurt my son, my husband's heart has been wretched out of his chest, and yet through all of it, I know the Lord has us in His hands and will rejoice.  Praising God through the trials and troubles have strengthened me and sufficiently sustained me with an undeniable peace.  There are a handful of verses that I have committed to memory to recite to myself every time I drive to work and Philippians 4:4 is one of them.  Whether it's a good day, or a day where I am already struggling and I have to force myself to recite this verse, I do.  You know why?  Because even on those days when I have to force myself to say it, my attitude and sometimes even my day, turns around.  Putting your lips together and rejoicing even when your heart is isolated and hurting has a powerful effect; trust me, try it.  There have been times when I have been barley able to utter the word "rejoice" when all of the sudden the spirit takes over my heart and gives me a hope and a swelling of cleansing tears may run down my cheeks, but I am suddenly in perfect peace.  For the Lord is faithful and you can find joy and hope even in your beaten down heart when you cry out to God and rejoice.  But above all, I remember the battles are His and so I can find joy and hope in all the great and even the twisted circumstances that I don't understand if I will only trust in Him.  Joy can be mine everyday -- joyful that God loves me, joyful that He is fighting for me; joyful that my son may have been physically hurt, but his spiritual walk is still in growing; joyful that my husband's heart is healing; joyful that even though I was wrongly accused, I know who makes all things right and who I am in Christ; joyful for my identity; joyful for what Jesus did for me on the cross.  I once heard our pastor say that happiness is circumstantial, but joyfulness can be permanent.  That is so true.  I pray that no matter what my bank account says and no matter what my circumstances might me, and no matter what others say about me, I pray I have the joy of the Lord ALWAYS! ~ Amen

Monday, July 17, 2023

Humble Themselves

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sins and will heal their land. ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14

In 40 plus years of faithfully following Jesus, I have read and heard this verse hundreds of times, but it wasn't until recently that the first three words hit me like a mac truck.  IF MY PEOPLE - do you understand?  Do you realize that is a direct description and calling out to those of us who call ourselves Christians?  IF - we are so quick to judge others by their crazy beliefs and their sins that we tend to ride a high horse and forget to look at ourselves (me included)  The judgement in Chronicles was meant for Israel to turn from their wicked ways and obey; we are called to do the same even if our neighbors don't as they haven't accepted Christ as their true savior yet.  Not to say that they are void of any consequences and can act however hurtful, or sinful that they want, but we followers should know better and have committed to making ourselves more Christ-like and less worldly.  Are we doing a good job at that? Do we point, gossip about and judge the sins of others when our own life looks just as filthy?  Your neighbor is having an extra-marital affair, but you are secretly watching pornography at night; just because your sin in hidden doesn't make it any less sin.  Your co-worker shows up to work drunk more than once, but your raging outburst towards your spouse/kids night after night is no better.  You talk about the hard work you have done to reach all your goals and accomplishments only to cut down those who you feel don't work hard enough; those you label beneath you.  Your pride gets in the way of your humility.  Sin is sin to God; whether visible, or hidden in the dark, or heart.  I dare say we could use some help.  It may not deliver our country, but if we would pray, live according to God's word, pray for our leaders and the authority God has allowed to be placed over us (even those we don't agree with) I would expect their would be change in our hearts and maybe even in our communities.  As believers, God will use us for His will, whatever that may be, but we must learn and remember to look at ourselves first.  You can't effectively show someone how to clean house if your house is dirty.  Look within.  IF MY PEOPLE.  Let's change ourselves.  It's our calling first. ~ AMEN

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Pay Back

Do not say, "I'll pay you back for this wrong!"  Wait for the Lord and he will deliver you. ~
Proverbs 20:22

Revenge - it's our natural response when we are wronged, but as Christians, we need to realize that this is a tool Satan wants to use to make us stumble.  Often times revenge makes matters worse.  Only bitterness and anger can come from revenge as they take root in our hearts and warp our attitudes towards people and circumstances into hardened hearts.  This vengefulness only produces negativity in your life, your health, and sometimes towards people and relationships that you didn't intend to hurt, or who are innocent bystanders to the original hurt.  One person alone gets destroyed by your resentfulness - you.  The people who wrongfully hurt you don't feel, or possibly don't even know what may be festering in your soured soul.  But God sees your pain and wants to bring you complete peace and freedom if you would only give your pain to Him and let Him be the final judge.  Revenge is not God's way - it comes from our human sinfulness and pride which can lead to terrible destruction.  Revenge can sometimes be all consuming and disrupt our daily lives in numerous ways.  It can take over our actions and lead us to do things we never thought we were capable of; making us no better than the one who hurt us, and it can lead us down a sinful path that we try to justify.  We take matters into out own hands instead of looking to the one who can deliver us.  If we would let God be the final judge and jury we can find freedom from revenge.  Don't let vengefulness get the best of you.  Lay it at Jesus' feet.  Let him take care of it for you and have the final say so that you may live in peace. ~ AMEN

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...