Saturday, April 8, 2023

Pay Back

Do not say, "I'll pay you back for this wrong!"  Wait for the Lord and he will deliver you. ~
Proverbs 20:22

Revenge - it's our natural response when we are wronged, but as Christians, we need to realize that this is a tool Satan wants to use to make us stumble.  Often times revenge makes matters worse.  Only bitterness and anger can come from revenge as they take root in our hearts and warp our attitudes towards people and circumstances into hardened hearts.  This vengefulness only produces negativity in your life, your health, and sometimes towards people and relationships that you didn't intend to hurt, or who are innocent bystanders to the original hurt.  One person alone gets destroyed by your resentfulness - you.  The people who wrongfully hurt you don't feel, or possibly don't even know what may be festering in your soured soul.  But God sees your pain and wants to bring you complete peace and freedom if you would only give your pain to Him and let Him be the final judge.  Revenge is not God's way - it comes from our human sinfulness and pride which can lead to terrible destruction.  Revenge can sometimes be all consuming and disrupt our daily lives in numerous ways.  It can take over our actions and lead us to do things we never thought we were capable of; making us no better than the one who hurt us, and it can lead us down a sinful path that we try to justify.  We take matters into out own hands instead of looking to the one who can deliver us.  If we would let God be the final judge and jury we can find freedom from revenge.  Don't let vengefulness get the best of you.  Lay it at Jesus' feet.  Let him take care of it for you and have the final say so that you may live in peace. ~ AMEN

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