Sunday, August 9, 2009

Through Growth

Once you were less than nothing; now you are God's own. Once you knew very little of God's kindness; now your very lives have been changed by it. ~ 1 Peter 2:10

Our backyard is huge and right now it is luscious as it's been mowed just this afternoon, but give it a few days and out of what looks like nothingness you'll see many Aspen trees trying to pop up. We have a group of four or five big Aspen trees in the middle of our yard and these little baby trees called "quakes" throw themselves up out of the ground as they take life and roots from the middle of the yard. That's how it is with us. We were once nothing. Only by grace and an amazing love that we will never understand from God above do we pop up to breath and live. We become God's children and his word and ways start to take root into our lives and we are able to persevere through his kindness. When we were on our own in this self serving world we had no idea what we were missing and there was no way we could understand the changed lives of others. Once we let that root take hold in our hearts and accept that amazing love that flows from the one true eternal king, we become changed and want to show off that new found freedom in Him. Just like the baby Aspen trees popping up out of the ground from and through the fresh new root system, we too can pop up and show off the new root system we have found. We need to grow and be unashamed of the changes that have taken place within us through him. Grow on! ~

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Change = Good

August has arrived; which means my family is getting geared up for mom to go to work and the boys are gearing up for school to start. What happened to the summer? This is the same question a lot of us are asking, but I really don't feel like I have had much of a vacation; well, maybe a working one. Cody and the boys went fishing this morning out at Stagecoach Reservoir and didn't catch a thing, but had a great time just being the boys and doing their thing (feeding crawdads). Now they are out in the garage doing some reorganization; which really just means moving things from one spot to another making things we don't use more accessible and appealing to the eye. It'll just be moved again in another couple of months to the other side of the garage, let's be real here. I enjoyed my time this morning alone trying to figure out how to unpack the rest of our stuff, catching up on some reading and doing some daily chores. Sometimes I feel a little lost when I'm left all alone; as if I'm not sure what to do when I don't have anything or anyone else to worry about. What a strange feeling. At lunch, Samuel let us know that he wished I didn't have to go to work Monday and all Isaac said to that was, "Well why not? That means school is starting soon!" Guess he's a little excited for his new upcoming adventure. Samuel can't wait for his little brother to be at school with him'll be good and I know they will watch out for each other. The question is what will my husband do with all his time? For the first time in seven years he will also have a life changing experience when he realizes he has eight hours a day without anyone here with him. Wow! Somebody write this down on a calendar as I will never admit to it if you ask me if I said it, but I guess (and here it goes)............change is good. ~

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...