Saturday, July 30, 2011

I Don't Need a Family Vacation......

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being CONTENT in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. ~ Philippians 4:11-13

1. I don't need a big house;
I just need a roof over my head where I can fill loved and safe.

2. I don't need a fancy car;
just something to get me from point A to point B.

3. I don't need Starbucks coffee;
I just need something to lift me up.

4. I don't need a man;
I just need someone to listen and care about me.

5. I don't need a lot of money;
I just need enough to take care of my needs and some wants.

6. I don't need lots of flashy jewelry;
but a simple gold band would be nice.

7. I don't need Harry Potter;
I have my faith.

8. I don't need a clean toilet;
just some peace and quiet from the kids when I'm using it! Can I get an AMEN!

9. I don't need fine furniture;
just a soft place to rest, relax and snuggle with my kids and husband.

10. OK, I don't need a brand new dining room set,
but how about some chairs that don't have to be duck taped together.

11. I don't need gifts - who cares about gifts?
I cherish your friendship and time.

12. I don't need a lot of books,
just hand me my Bible please.

13. I don't need religion,
I need Jesus Christ with his salvation and amazing love.

14. I don't need lots of friends;
just a couple good quality ones who I can depend on.

15. In fact, I really don't even need a lot of GREAT friends;
I just need friends who will be there when I lose my patience with life.

16. I don't need portraits;
my boys' artwork gives Picasso a run for his money.

17. I don't need a spotless home;
I need a comfortable, inviting, "lived in" home.

18. I don't need a Ipod;
just give my boys a guitar and a microphone.

19. I don't need an email address - that's to impersonal;
my pen and paper work just fine.

20. I don't need anti-depressants;
I need someone to hear my inner cries and try to understand.

21. I don't need cheesecake;
I need some spice in my life - a change.

22. I don't need Tabasco Sauce;
but I do need some kind of kick in my pants!

23. I don't need new clothes;
I just need new found self-esteem for the ones I have.

24. OK, I don't need designer clothes,
but I do need some new clothes that fit - even if they are from the thrift store.

25. I don't need water to quinch my thirst;
I need the Living Water.

26. I don't need romance;
I need stability and security to know I am loved.

27. I don't need the beach;
just give me a hose and a plastic kiddy pool.

28. I don't need to map out my life - it's not in my hands;
I just need to trust.

29. I don't need a new body;
I just need to learn how to love this one.

30. I don't need makeup;
my husband believes I'm naturally beautiful.

31. I don't need a five course meal;
I've learned that pancake batter is good for just about any meal.

32. I don't need perfection;
I just need to know that I'm doing the best I can.

33. I don't need perfect grades from my son;
I just need him to know that his best is awesome!

34. I don't need your rage;
I have enough raw feelings of my own.

35. I don't need a lot of fanciful literature;
my some gives me great stories everyday.

36. I don't need eight hours of sleep;
one or two nights of good uninterrupted sleep would suffice.

37. I don't need a plasma big screen;
curled up in bed with my 3 inch screen and a wholesome TV classic is good enough for me.

38. I don't need to watch a scary movie for shock value;
sometimes all I have to do is look at the world we live in.

39. I don't need another diet;
I just need to quit going back for 3rd's and 4th's. It tastes so good!

40. I don't need to remind my husband of his mistakes;
I need to help him move through them ---for US.

41. I don't need a new life;
I need to find contentment in the one I have.

42. I don't need a lot of book knowledge;
I need common sense knowledge.

43. I don't need you to know all of my accomplishments;
I need to learn humility.

44. I don't necessarily need peace and quiet;
I need inner peace.

45. I don't need baby girls! I have two wonderful, amazing, beautiful, brilliant, caring,
compassionate, determined and devoted adult daughters thank you!

46. I don't need you to agree;
I just need to voice my thoughts.

47. I don't even need your advice;
I just want and need to be heard.

48. I don't need to relax;
I just need a break from needy people.

49. I don't need to trust you;
I need to trust Him - the one true God.

50. I don't need more children;
I love the two boys God gave me.

51. I don't need a cell phone;
I need to slow down and loosen my ties to the phone.

52. I don't need a wedding ring;
I need you to open up to my first.

53. I don't need an appointment book;
I just need dinner out with my good friends.

54. I don't need a watch;
the sun tells me when to go to bed and when to wake up.

55. I don't need a "Family Fun" night;
I need to learn to have fun with my family a little every night.

56. I don't need a fancy ring tone on my cellphone;
I just wish it would ring - HELLO!

57. I don't need the latest and greatest video game device;
playing a board game, or an outdoor game with my children is just as fun.

58. I don't need a lot of birthdays;
I just want to know that the ones I have count.

59. I don't need manipulation and guilt;
I need to learn to stand up for myself and my family.

60. I don't need to go to the movie theater;
I just need to find a good movie the whole family can enjoy together curled up on the couch.

61. I don't need a camper trailer;
some of our best adventures have been in our shelter of a tent under the massive sky.

62. I don't need a pillow feathered mattress;
I'm thankful I'm lucky enough to have a sheltered bed.

63. I don't need a high paying job to feel important;
I am happy to be employed by my two little gentlemen executives.

64. I don't need my children to be successful - that's all relevant;
I need them to be healthy and happy.

65. I don't need your undivided attention all the time;
I just want to be the first person you talk to when you come home instead of the computer.

66. I don't need a gym membership;
I just need to get outside and take a brisk walk in this great mountain air.

67. I don't need a lot of help;
just a few good friends that I can count on to take my kids when I need a moment.

68. I don't need to take more vitamins, or medicines;
I just need to wash my dirty hands more often.

69. I don't need my children to grow up;
I need to cherish these moments I have with them as little ones.

70. I don't need to be surrounded by people to feel loved;
I just need the love of God to fill me up.

71. I don't need everyone to like me;
I just need my kids to smile and know they are loved.

72. I don't need money and riches;
I just need my family around me.

73. I don't need TV everyday;
I just need someone to make me laugh.

74. I don't need answers;
I just need someone to listen to my questions.

75. I don't need a treadmill;
I find that if I run around outside with my kids it's just as exhilarating.

76. I don't need to be in control all the time;
I need to learn to let go a little and be spontaneous once in a while.

77. I don't need a successful career;
I need a family friendly job.

78. I don't need to be a nagging wife;
I need to be an encouragement to my man!

79. I don't need Scotch;
I have found that cheap wine is great!

80. I don't need your apologies;
I need you to accept me as me.

81. I don't need you to question;
I need your belief and trust.

82. I don't need beautiful skin;
I need a gorgeous character.

83. I don't need luke warm passion;
I need red hot desire.

84. I don't need retail therapy;
I need to get back to the basics of saving.

85. I don't need more "stuff";
I need contentment.

86. I don't need to run & hide;
I need to stand up and fight.

87. I don't need to "get a grip";
I need to learn to let go more often.

88. I don't need to be a dream killer;
I need to be a dream encourager.

89. I don't need to worry about what other people think;
I need to worry about what God thinks.

90. I don't need justification;
I need to believe in myself.

91. I don't need empty words;
I need genuine sincerity.

92. I don't need apathy;
I need empathy.

93. I don't need to be belittled;
I need to be encouraged.

94. I don't need company;
I need a good night of conversation with my sister.

95. I don't need a dog;
I think our hamster is a great pet for my boys.

96. I don't need your ego;
I need you to be real.

97. I don't need fortune and fame;
I need self-worth.

98. I don't need "toys" - they don't last;
I need quality time with my family.

99. I don't need "busyness";
I need to live simple and less hurried.

100. I don't need a big family vacation;
a family camping trip is just fine. ~

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