Monday, April 23, 2012

Mood Changers

"You became imitators of us and of the Lord; in spite of severe suffering, you welcomed the message with the joy given by the Holy Spirit."  1 Thessalonians 1:6

How many times has your mood changed because of a difficulty?  We can snap at our spouse, our kids, our co-workers and our friends for nothing they did simply because of a difficult circumstance, or situation that changed our outlook on things.  Paul reminds us that they Holy Spirit has, and can bring us great joy again no matter how severe things may be at the time.  Our joy does not always need to be outwardly shiny, but we must keep in mind who gives us our happiness and joy.  Instead of dwelling on all the negatives of the blaring situation, we should be intentional about trying to keep things in perspective and bring to remembrance all the times Christ has come through for us so that our faith is strongest when the enemy attacks and we can strike back with full confidence.  Then the joy and peace that the Holy Spirit brings us, that is not dependent on our circumstances, will flood our spirits!  It has to be rooted in the Lord Jesus Christ and nothing more!  The Heavenly Father knows we will have trials, in fact, He promises them, but the question is what we do with His joy under pressure and sometimes down right hot fire!  Blessed is the man who can conform to the example of Christ and His joy.  Help us to become better examples of life giving joy to those around us!  In Jesus, there can be joy abundant if it's rooted in the belief that His will is always best! ~  

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