Thursday, November 22, 2012

Graced Spirit

"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit."  ~ Philemon 1:25

Have you encouraged anyone today?  How about this week?  This month?  Are you gracious and grateful on any other day but today, Thanksgiving?  There is more sarcasm, crude words and nasty jokes in what we think is funny in today's society and culture then there is an attitude of gratitude and encouragement.  However, in God's economy, words are supposed to be used as uplifting, and encouraging blessings to others as a spiritual and mental benefit to the giver and receiver.  What better words to encourage someone with than to bless them with grace from above?  Let us lavish on one another words of love, peace, strength and grace instead of stale, crude, empty and worldly humor.  You can tear someone down in minutes and it'll take years for some of those hurtful wounds to completely heal, or you can build someone up in minutes and watch their life change.  I want to be used as a blessing and I want desperately to see others through the grace that our Heavenly Father does.  In all honesty, the devil loves to use our words to wreck havoc on each other and in our homes in hopes that the more we tear down, the more we can't hear the small whisper that is the character of the Lord.  I want to learn how to bless and encourage someone with my words and presence instead of always trying to make myself the priority in the conversation.  If the grace of the Lord is with us, how much better is our day?  So get out there with grace and bless people with your words and your presence.  ~

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Blessed Perseverance

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trail, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."  ~ James 1:12

This word - persevere - is my absolute favorite word in the English language.  I learned years ago that if I chant that specific work over and over in my head through difficult times, my mind is put at ease and my blood pressure drops.  James knew he would face trials, after all, he had watched as his brother was persecuted over and over again and his own faith was attacked many times, but he knew the value of "hanging on".  I know sometimes my trials feel overwhelming and when I watch TV our world seems to be over burdened with everything from natural disasters to other events that just don't make sense to us.  I do know, that when I "hang on" as best as I can and give it all to the Lord, great blessings arise.  Beauty DOES come from ashes.  James wants us to know that there are many blessings to have if not in this life, then our eternal life and that God has made that specific promise to all who love him.  After all, we know how this all ends - WE WIN - so keep on "hanging on ".  Persevere! ~ 

Submit Yourselves

Submit yourselves, then, to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. ~ James 4:7 Trust.  It’s all about trust.  In today’s world w...