Monday, March 18, 2013

Our Image

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.  ~ Genesis 1:27

We are made in God's image!  You, me, everybody!  Did you catch that?  Read it again - WE ARE MADE IN GOD'S IMAGE!  I am not a product of evolution; I was created by a Master Creator to have relationship and fellowship with Him.  "Evolution" would suggest that I have "evolved" from something, or become better over time; whereas "creation" and being "created" means I have been specially thought about, poured over uniquely, fashioned, fit and formed together to be a special creation all my own.  I am a unique design.  There is no one else like me.  I may have the same characteristics, features, bone structure, but my DNA is different than yours, or anyone elses' and my relationship with God is meant to be the same way - Special!  We are special!  We are unique!  I was lovingly thought of before being put on this earth, and so were you!  Evolution would have us believe otherwise; you are just something that came to be without any real thought, that you are what nature intended and there was really no reason for my existence.  NO!  I am to become what my Creator intended!  A Masterpiece. A work of art.  Not a happenstance, but a work of immeasurable love, thought, fortitude and insight; a being to love and to be loved.  Not only have I been made in God's "image", but also in his "likeness" so that I may have fellowship with God and respond and give Him praise daily.  Both male and female were created in God's likeness so that we could show Christ's love for all humanity no matter color, race, gender, political status, ethnicity and dare I say, sexual orientation/preference.  Incredibly, we were all made in God's image and likeness and we need to love each other as Christ first loved us.  I am a special part of His plan and a creation of His.  People are precious!  We are his first priority, and He should be ours as we learn to reflect His image back to him.  ~

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