Sunday, April 21, 2013

Lying Tongues

"O God, whom I praise, do not remain silent, for the wicked and deceitful men have opened their mouths against me; they have spoken against me with lying tongues." ~ Psalm 109:1-2

This is a hard Psalm for me to thoroughly understand.  One part of me says, 'Hey, you better be careful with your words and the gossip, you don't want someone praying this about you'; then another part asks, 'Yeah, but this kind of appeal and cry out to God is not what he listens to, I mean, after all, God is love, not a God of mean spirited justice, right?'" But I DO think this is a plea for God to shut the mouths of wicked and downright deceitful mankind, and I DO think he can and does sometimes "shut" things, not just mouths, up.  Sometimes I think we forget that even God gets angry and that even though He is a merciful, gracious and loving God, he also HATES certain things about mankind that we have turned over to the "world".  Please notice the supernatural difference - He hates ABOUT mankind, those things the Destroyer has influenced, but GOD CANNOT HATE  MANKIND for that would be hating a very part of HIS own image.  Satan has a sharp two edged sword and uses people to be unrelenting in their trouble making lies and false accusations about you, me, and others that you love.  This is often a direct hit when we are winning for the kingdom of God and our Adversary HATES our progress.  We must stand steadfast and keep on with great perseverance "the race marked out for us" for our Almighty King!  Watching and guarding our tongues is a great place to start! ~ AMEN

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