Friday, February 20, 2015

Passing Through

They left that place and passed through Galilee.  Jesus did not want anyone to know where they were, because he was teaching his disciples.  He said to them, "The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men.  They will kill him, and after three days, he will rise."  ~ Mark 9:30-31

Have you ever felt like you have betrayed Jesus for the ways of the world?  I have.  Sometimes I am saddened by my selfishness, pride, impatience and narcissism.  Then I remember that He is quick to forgive if I will just come to Him with a repentant heart; after all, He already knows what I am thinking and feeling even when I think I have no one to turn too.  We ofter forget the greatness of Christ's empty grave.  Jesus wasn't just a great conqueror back then, but He can be today in your very life with whatever you may be facing.  But we need to remember to come draw close to Him and seek His refuge.  He will not come where he is not welcome and he will not force us to have a relationship with Him, so it's up to you to make the first step.  What we may feel we can't share with anyone, we need to share with Him for He knows our thoughts, attitudes and our hearts' desire already.  So many times Jesus spent time alone with his disciples for rest, to see how they were doing, to teach to them, or just to "be" with them and He wants the same with us.  Sometimes Jesus needs to lead us through, or to another place in our lives for maturity.  We have to trust that even when life doesn't make any sense to us, it maybe because God is leading us to a place only He knows about, or has prepared for us; we may be purposefully left blind to wander for a while as to not have the ability to mess with His plans.  Jesus conquered the grave; He can conquer your uncertainty in life. ~

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