Sunday, April 26, 2015

Being Disobedient

From inside the fish Jonah prayed...."In my distress I called to the Lord and he answered me.  From the depths of the grave I called for help and you listened to my cry." ~ Jonah 2:1-2

Jonah had been disobedient and God had returned with consequences.  Has that ever happened to you?  O course it has!  Anytime we run from God, there are usually consequences.  Anytime we do the opposite of what God commands us, there are consequences.  Anytime we try to drag others down with us, there are usually consequences.  We don't like consequences, no one does, but they are a necessary part of life if we want to be turned around and set back on the right path.  God is always willing to forgive and receive us back when we call on the Lord with a repent-ful heart.  If you fill like you can never be redeemed, think again.  God is waiting!  Things are never as bad as they seem, for we can call on our God and He can restore our hope and help us put our lives back on the right track.  Jonah's prayer was a cry for redemption, restoration and thanksgiving.  He was, after all, still alive after being swallowed by a great fish and left there for three days!  I believe God desperately wanted for Jonah to learn from his consequences so He could show himself more than merciful.  Holy and righteous is our God and quick to forgive and shower us with grace so that we can escape the grip of sin.  Never give up!  Never give up trying to do what is right, but no that God is always waiting, even after he has dealt the consequences.  Cry out to God for his mercy and put your life in His hands. ~

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