Sunday, May 17, 2015

No Other

I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.  You shall have no other gods before me. ~ Exodus 20:2-3

Who, or better yet, what is your god?  Do you ever feel like you are enslaved to something?  This verse is lined with one of the ten commandments, but I believe it requires us all to take a good long look at ourselves in response to our obedience to Him and also our life choices.  Israel was told to obey, worship and call Christ her only god; Christians are called to do the same, but I bet you can think of all kinds of worldly things that grab our attention and enslave us over and above Jesus Christ and His ways.  When we believe we can do something on our own and then exalt ourselves - God does not become first.  When we worry and fret over our dwindling finances instead of seeking Christ for his provisions and peace - God does not become first.  When we fall into an unhealthy habit, addiction, or sin over and over again without listening to sound godly wisdom - God does not become first.  There are many ways the devil would like to keep us bound in his slavery to this world and the strongholds that go with that, but Christ so desperately wants to free us, untie and unbind what is holding us from Him so that He can deliver us to a safe and secure place of freedom and rest in Him. We only have to choose him first.  The world is full of idols and promises that may sound flawless and full of hope, but don't be deceived into thinking that what this fallen world has to offer is better than what Christ wants to give you.  God's will is always better - seek and worship him first. ~

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