Thursday, June 18, 2015

Wise Compassion

When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.  So he began teaching them many things. ~ Mark 6:34

Jesus never shied away from an opportunity to teach, whether in large crowds, or small intimate settings.  While you may feel very lost at times, Jesus will guide you and lead you in his tender teachings no matter where you are, or who you may be with.  It's called compassion, and it's a deep rooted emotion that makes people feel and move on behalf of others.  It is a great longing to help those in need, in need of anything and everything that we can help them out with.  It is a strong Christ-like characteristic that I long for and ask God to give me as often as it comes to mind as I know compassion and empathy is a weakness of mine personally.  In this self absorbed culture, it can sometimes be hard to put on the attitude of compassion, but as followers, we must!  We have all heard it said, "Be Kind.  For everyone has a battle they are dealing with."  My boss told me once, "Whenever on of our staff members, a student, or a parent is having a hard, grumpy, or difficult day and is taking it out on me, I try to remind myself that they may be dealing with something I know nothing about.  No, it doesn't always make it easier to deal with them, but it helps to keep things in perspective."  Jesus was constantly busy, but he found time for compassion.  Can't we?  Can I?  While I may not have all the answers to life's hard questions, I can be an ear.  While I may not understand why someone is so hard to deal with, I can pray with them; and while I may not understand why I may be persecuted unjustly sometimes, I can still turn the other cheek.  Compassion.  For everyone. ~

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