Sunday, June 21, 2015

Godly Fear

Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord. ~ Psalm 34:11

What do you want most for you children?  Abundant wealth, success, happiness, a job they love, a spouse, a forever family?  My prayer for my children daily is that they would learn and love to follow the Lord's ways above any of the world's ways; that they would chase after Him always.  Even when things aren't going their way; I dare say especially when things aren't going their way, that God would forever be on their lips going through trials and that even if they decide to travel down a destructive path for a bit, that God would always lead them back.  If we profess to be Christ followers as parents, than it is our daily duty to make sure we are instilling the Lord through thick and thin into our children's minds and hearts.  Pray with them, read the Bible together, help someone in need, fellowship with other believers and find a church home where you and your family can get filled up. Contrary to today's beliefs, church is part of the fellowship that God requested we be a part of, your attendance isn't required, but it pleases Him and blesses you whether you feel it, or not.  To fear the Lord is to be in total awe of Him, to realize that He can do the impossible in our favor, but also that He can and will discipline us in awesome ways if need be; He is awesome in the here and now, for the good and sometimes for the bad should He decide to allow trying times and direct discipline to be our path for a time.  Lovingly He calls to us to love on us, forgive us, and to teach us His much higher ways; as parents we are called to do the same with our children, His children.  In everyday choices and daily tasks there are many ways to show our children how to live for the Lord.  Look for them; be diligent in teaching the Lord's ways and watch Him bless them and you for your faithful and obedient efforts. ~

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