Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Cried Out

I took my troubles to the Lord; I cried out to him, and he answered my prayer. ~ Psalm 120:1

Do you ever feel like you have more unanswered prayers than answered ones?  The thought that I can bring my big and piddly problems to the Creator of everything is mind boggling.  Nothing can touch me that God hasn't allowed.  Nothing.  Sometimes the answer to our prayer is "no", but it's still an answer whether we like it, or not.  My daddy once told me, "God answers every one of your prayers.  It'll either be yes, not right now, or no, but even if it's not the answer you want, it's still an answer."  That has stuck with me.  I ask God daily for little things, and sometimes I shout hoping He'll get the message (by the way, he can handle your yelling) and hear my plea on the larger things.  I often come with a thankful, hopeful, blessed and encouraged heart, but sometimes I come so broken that I feel like I wither, wrestle and struggle for words when praying.  Each and every time I wait patiently and listen for the answer, even if it takes days, weeks, months and maybe even years, and sometimes it's not what I wanted to hear.  Each and every time, whether it has been a "yes", "not right now", or a down right "no", things have worked out proving once again, that I am not in charge, or control of my life.  But I know who is and I can count on Him to answer me always.  I just have to be obedient, quiet, and open up my heart to listen. ~

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