Sunday, March 13, 2016

Finding Favor

But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. ~ Genesis 6:8

Who else would I rather find favor with than God?  What else on this planet could be more valuable? Noah was a righteous man and blameless amoung his people.  Across the globe, mankind was wrecking the very fabric of the peaceful and amicable living God had so desperately wanted to give them.  Their evil ways overtook them.  " Blameless" from the immorality of his society and careless culture, Noah kept himself holy and in communion with his Holy God and people who walked a straight path.  Because he was able to live IN that world and not become OF that world, God found favor in this upright man.  This is the kind of favor I want.  Favor from a just God, not a messed up and broken world.  I want to be able to walk soundly with my Creator and God no matter how evil, or perverse my culture becomes.  I want a faith so strong that nothing in the natural world can shake it.  I want to know that one day my faith will bring me to such an amazing inheritance that nothing in this world would be as satisfying, or rich as my heavenly home.  I want to become heir to righteousness that can only come from a steadfast, strong and persevering faith.  I want favor with the Lord so that the rest of my days here on earth my go well with me whether they are full of joy and happiness, or pain and sorrow.  After all, if you have favor with the Lord, any day will work out for you even if it looks gray and dismal by society's standards.  When it's all said and done, I want to hear, "Welcome home my good and faithful servant.  You have finished your race.  In you I am well pleased." ~

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