Saturday, October 15, 2016

Formed Being

....the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. ~ Genesis 2:7

The very air in my lungs is a direct gift from God alone.  God didn't deliver air directly into anything else He created, but reserved this special gift for the creation of the human race.  God is the source of all life, but distinctly set us apart from the animal kingdom when He literally breathed His breath into Adam's hairy nostrils.  We are the crown creation of God's workmanship and He was thoughtful, creative and careful when He molded the first human together using the earth's dust and His own breath.  He was just as thoughtful when He created you.  He gave us life and as such, He should be the only one who decides when our numbered days have run out.  He knit us together in the care of our mother's womb for His glory.  Like the many blessings we receive everyday, we need to recognize that He blesses us with the breath of life everyday for HIS purposes; even when the world is a blasted mess around us and we cannot conceive what is going on, or even why we are still here.  We are a handy work crafted together by a Creator who also graciously gifted the opportunity to have a relationship with him and to bring Him glory.  So the next time you feel unwanted, unloved and just plain ordinary, remember that you were hand formed for a fantastic purpose and thoughtfully knit together by the hand of the God of the universe Himself for a specific purpose that only He can give you.  Live on! ~

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