Sunday, November 27, 2016

My Shield

But you, O Lord, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high. ~ Psalm  3:3

Have you ever wondered why things are happening to you, or why bad things happen to good people?  Have you ever wondered when you will get out of this depressed slump you are in, or even if there is any hope?  Being in a funk, or having one wayward thing after another come after me can be overwhelming.  In my darkest times, I truly felt like I wrestled with God and the Holy Spirit as my soul cried out without any control of my own.  Sometime I can't imagine how a problem can be solved, or how I will get through today, let alone the next few days.  God is the only one who has promised me that He will always be with me and I stand on those promises knowing, without any doubt, even if His answer isn't my answer, that He can and will pull me through the tunnels of trouble.  Committing myself to His will and obedience is a life long goal and dream of mine that I expect great reward from - including light in the midst of every dark cloud; beauty from ashes.  I have to remember that I am able to rise above life's troubles because of the grace, mercy and peace He has bestowed on me just for being a faithful servant.  I know there will be trials ahead that I never even saw coming, trails that will test my faith and bring me to my knees, trails I probably can't imagine right now, but I pray that my faith is strengthened daily so as never to lose sight of who is allowing these trials and to hang on while the fire is hot and my faith is, hopefully, refined.  I pray I never leave, or lose my faith because of a difficult situation; I pray I run to Him with more vigor than turning my back.  He does not always answer my prayers the way I want, or expect, but He does make known His will if I ask, listen and wait.  After all, a NO answer is still an answer.  I go to Him in good times and I go to Him in bad times with an expectant heart. ~

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