Sunday, December 26, 2021

Judge Yourselves

Peter and John replied, "Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight to obey you rather than God.  For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard." ~ Acts 4:19-20

When we become followers of Jesus Christ, our eyes should open up spiritually to God's ways and we often see the ways we were following before as very jaded, selfish and "worldly".  You may even have had an experience that has so profoundly impacted you that there is no other explanation than that of Jesus Christ and what his unconditional love and grace has done for you.  No other explanation is needed for why I myself believe in the Almighty God. I have personally seen and experienced His peace; wrestled with His undeserved grace, mercy and love and have felt miraculous changes in my heart and my life that have no other explanation. I have FELT God's embrace.  Period.  Nobody can convince me otherwise; it's to powerful.  Sharing your faith can be scary, but remember that no one can take your experience, or your testimony away and no one can make it invalid - only you.  YOUR testimony is powerful  In this scripture, Peter and John are challenging the Sanhedrin and telling them that only they can decided for themselves who to rightfully obey, but Peter and John know their is only one true God for them.  They have chosen to follow God's authority.  Who do you choose to follow? Ask God to reveal himself to you.  Let your experiences speak to you. ~ AMEN 

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Not Destroyed

We are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved. ~ Hebrews 10:39

I have often wondered what it would take for me to "shrink" back; to renounce my faith in God Almighty.  When you look around this broken world and see all the tragedies it makes one think and yes, I do have some weird thoughts, I know, but would the death of a beloved child make me shrink back?  But what about the cancer diagnosis with limited life left?  What about losing your parents to a global pandemic? They tell you your husband will never be the same after a major what?  This verse gives me tremendous hope that because of my steadfast faith in Christ, He will hold onto me and pull me through the thickest and toughest of circumstances and I will persevere.  Instead of shrinking back to old ways, or worldly ways, or into a deep despair, I will be saved because I believe.  Yes, I may hit rock bottom, but if I hope and hold onto the promises God has given me, He promises to pull me out of my pit.  Even in the face of hardship, we can persevere and endure whatever God allows to happen as long as we lean into Him and trust that we are not alone.  We CAN tackle overwhelming difficulties when we lean in.  Yes, everyone has their doubts and fears, but we are called to trust God even when we can not possibly make any sense out of what is happening around us, or to us.  Hold fast, trust, pray, hope, scream at God if you must (He can take it; believe me, I've done it) for reassurance, hope and enormous amounts of encouragement are all around the corner for those who do now "shrink" away from their faith no matter how hard the situation might be.  I will hold on to the promise that God can make beauty out of ashes.  Hold on!  Be steadfast!  Do not shrink!  Help is on the way! I will not be destroyed!  ~ AMEN 

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

No Fear

There is no fear in love.  But perfect loves drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.  The one who fears is not made perfect in love. ~ 1 John 4:18 

While we all know hate is opposite to love, have you ever thought that fear may also be opposite of love?  Because let's be honest, a lot of times to hate is also to fear.  You may fear dark because you hate the dreams that follow; you may fear roller coasters because you hate heights; you may hate your co-worker (although I hope not) because you fear they are trying to replace you. You hate_____ because_______(you fill in the blanks).  As Christians, I believe it's okay to hate ungodly things;  I mean I hate sin because of my faith and belief in God, but I have to be careful not to hate the person engaging in the sin.  We are called to hate what God hates, but I also find it interesting that God hates acts.....not the person; He loves US all the same.  God also expects us to be in awe and reverence of Him, but He does not want us to fear Him as the world uses the word.  To fear God should be out of complete reverence for Him; to realize that He alone has the ability to give, to take away, to cause good things to happen and may I even suggest He allows the bad things to happen sometimes.  God is perfect love even if we don't always understand it.  Remember, His ways are always higher than ours.  His perfect love sent His perfect son to die a horrific death for me and for you whether you acknowledge that or not, it's still fact.  God's love for me should cast out fear and hate for my neighbor.  God's love for me should cast out fear or hate that I may have about my circumstances.  God's love for me should cast out any fear or hate that I may have regarding my future.  If I would fully embrace God's love for me and if I would truly hold on to His promises and His ways, than fear has no where to abide in me and must flee.  We don't have to fear His wrath on our lives when we are following and trusting His guidance.  As a follower of Jesus, let His love engulf you and let go of the fear - He has you.  There is no room for love and fear; they are contradictory.  Let the light of God's love open your heart and watch the fear slither away. ~ 

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Confess Sins

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. ~ 1 John 1:9

Purify - have you ever really looked at that word?  Purify means to make pure; free from anything that debases, pollutes, adulterates, or contaminates.  How about unrighteousness?  Well, would you like being called sinful and wicked?  Confessing our sins, which is to admit or state that we have committed a crime or is at fault in some way for some act of sin, opens the floodgates to purification from our sin and our wickedness.  This kind of openness and communication delights God's heart and is what He wants from all his children.  There is something powerful in the spoken word and freedom from our Heavenly Father when we admit we have done wrong.  God wipes the slate clean, gives us a fresh start, takes away all the toxicity and pollutants in our human, worldly flesh and covers us with the gift purchased on the cross by his son Jesus to remove the sin so that we may be able to move on in His will for our lives and in our relationship with Him.  We are clean, we are pure and we are righteous once quit beating yourself up with the past, regrets, bad choices and mindless mistakes; they have no hold on you and do not define you.  Remember them only as a reference to the goodness of God's nature, but now move forward to live the best life God has planned for you and live in the identity God has given you....a child of God.  Those who confess their sins and ask for forgiveness can forge ahead in fellowship with God without any inhibiting strings attached.  You are forgiven, free and clean!  Go forth! ~

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...