Sunday, August 22, 2021

Not Destroyed

We are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved. ~ Hebrews 10:39

I have often wondered what it would take for me to "shrink" back; to renounce my faith in God Almighty.  When you look around this broken world and see all the tragedies it makes one think and yes, I do have some weird thoughts, I know, but would the death of a beloved child make me shrink back?  But what about the cancer diagnosis with limited life left?  What about losing your parents to a global pandemic? They tell you your husband will never be the same after a major what?  This verse gives me tremendous hope that because of my steadfast faith in Christ, He will hold onto me and pull me through the thickest and toughest of circumstances and I will persevere.  Instead of shrinking back to old ways, or worldly ways, or into a deep despair, I will be saved because I believe.  Yes, I may hit rock bottom, but if I hope and hold onto the promises God has given me, He promises to pull me out of my pit.  Even in the face of hardship, we can persevere and endure whatever God allows to happen as long as we lean into Him and trust that we are not alone.  We CAN tackle overwhelming difficulties when we lean in.  Yes, everyone has their doubts and fears, but we are called to trust God even when we can not possibly make any sense out of what is happening around us, or to us.  Hold fast, trust, pray, hope, scream at God if you must (He can take it; believe me, I've done it) for reassurance, hope and enormous amounts of encouragement are all around the corner for those who do now "shrink" away from their faith no matter how hard the situation might be.  I will hold on to the promise that God can make beauty out of ashes.  Hold on!  Be steadfast!  Do not shrink!  Help is on the way! I will not be destroyed!  ~ AMEN 

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