Monday, July 18, 2022

Everyone Give

Give everyone what you owe him:  if you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect then respect; if honor, then honor. ~ Romans 13:7

You've heard the saying, "Only two things are for certain:  death and taxes".  Maybe.  Sorry.  Bad joke, I know, but I couldn't help myself.  Anyway....Paul started Romans 13 with the topic of submitting to authorities; especially authorities of government and law as God has ultimately allowed them to be placed in those powerful positions for reasons we probably won't ever understand (especially if we disagree with them).  We'd love to be able to do whatever we want, whenever we want, but there has to be laws that everyone is expected to live by so that this broken world can somewhat function how God intended.  Besides, if you proclaim to be a follower of Jesus than you are called to be more Christ-like; which means being good, kind, compassionate and helpful (just to name a few of His attributes) and breaking the law that He has allowed to be put in place is to be in direct disobedience to our calling.  In today's world where everyone is offended and fights back, or lashes out at almost all forms of authority, we should hold our misguided tongues and actions honorably as this is also being obedient to what Christ would have us do and in doing so, we honor Him.  Yes, it's okay to disagree, but do we have to be so nasty about it?  Why can't we learn to agree to disagree without being so disrespectful?  That is not pleasing to God.  So we should honor and respect the authorities so that we may also respect, revere and humbly honor our God.  In the heat of whatever injustice you may feel, we must remember that we are to obey our God rather than our selfish worldly desires and to obey God is to be respectful and honoring in all circumstances so that the Lord Almighty can justly fight for you in your faith - even if you don't understand.  God's ways are completely contradictory to the worlds; we are supposed to have a different opinion, but we are still to be honorable.  God's way is to obey the law of the land even if you don't agree and by being obedient, respectful and honorable God can move within that space to continue to hold you up in your faith.  Who knows, you may be a refreshing light to an authority figure who hasn't been revered in a long time.  Lord, even when I don't understand, or agree, please help me to be respectful to all forms of authority so that I may be honorable in your eyes. ~ Amen  

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