Saturday, December 10, 2022

His Will

Why you do not even know what will happen tomorrow.  What is your life?  You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.  Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that." ~  James 4:14 

If all of your perfectly planned plans for your life, or even for tomorrow, were completely turned upside down, what would you do?  Do you freak out, or are you the type of person that can roll with the punches?  I love to have a routine, a schedule, some sort of outline for my busy day and when things don't go as I planned, I can have a bit of a freak out moment.  But what if what you thought needed to happen wasn't in God's plan?  What if what God had designed for your day was something completely different?  How about for your life?!  For your kids' life?!  I think sometimes God sends us what I like to call "divine interruptions" because one of a couple of things may be happening:

1.  Maybe a friend needs a little extra help.  This could be in the form of actual physical help, or someone to talk to, or maybe just a friendly ear.

2.  God disrupts our plans because they were actually going to cause us grief either now, or later on.  He's saving us from ourselves.


3.  Even though we didn't see the trials, or trouble, God allowed it to cause us, and/or maybe those around us, to lean into Him; to cause us to turn back to Him.  

Decisions and plans that will have lasting impacts on us, or our loved ones should always be brought to God in prayer first.  I am still learning this.  Needing to plan is part of my life and God would have it be a part of yours also as it's foolish not to be wise and plan, but we need to ask if we are in God's will and timing, or our own and I am not talking about only the mundane tasks of your day; although those can  be interrupted as well, I am talking abut plans that can have an impact on your life, or others.  I am learning to plan, pray and seek wisdom on timing and to make sure I am not hurrying for an answer.  While "GO" is an answer, we must remember that "wait" and "no" are also answers and sometimes what we need to hear.  Life is full of "GO"; "apply for that new job"; "buy that house"; "move your family"; "take that opportunity".  

But life is also full of "wait"; "no, not now"; "this is not the right house, or neighborhood"; "this is not the time for you to bail on your job"; "you are right were I need you".  

Make sure you are listening to His will.  Ask Him to show you.  And if you don't hear anything, continue to pray and wait. ~ Amen 

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