Friday, October 18, 2024

Pretending People

One person pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth. ~ Proverbs 13:7

Better are we to be rich in spiritual righteousness than worldly riches.  All of us wish to have deep pockets, but what about the heavenly riches?  Does your ambition for worldly wealth cloud your ambition for heavenly rewards?  One is surely much greater than the other.  There is nothing wrong with worldly success as long as our heart is well aware of where our success comes from.  We must not lose ourselves to worldly wealth only to lose our spiritual selves.  We must keep ourselves in check.  The desire to acquire much here on earth is immeasurable to what God’s riches are and if we are not careful, we can become greedy in what really doesn’t matter in the end.  Monetary gain, when used solely for oneself, often leads to destruction; however, when monetary gain is used for others the Kingdom of God is glorified.  If we become self-serving in our wealth , we will most definitely end with nothing of great value.  If you long to build spiritual wealth then you must make yourself poor, or giving, to others success so that in the end you have peace, love and joy in your heart.  If you intentionally make yourself poor by pouring out on others the kindness, gentleness and goodness of God through your monetary gain then in the end you will have everything.  You will hear, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”  In God’s economy, to be rich is to give of your resources so that your relationships may flourish and his kingdom can be multiplied.  God’s economy is about giving, not getting.  A truly rich person may have enough just to get by, but have great character and spiritual integrity that makes him wealthy.  Then there may be a very wealthy person who has no integrity and no spiritual character.  Which one is the rich one in God’s economy?  Who do you relate to most?  May we never bankrupt ourselves spiritually for worldly gain.  Listen to this verse and the wisdom about the true nature of wealth and pursuing it for your own sake. ~ Amen 

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