Saturday, November 2, 2024

Slow Keeping

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.  Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. ~ 2 Peter 3:9

We live in a “quick fix” society where we don’t have to wait long for anything anymore.  There is fast food, microwaves, ordering online for almost anything, our phone is always with us so we can get a hold of anyone and if that’s not fast enough, we can text a quick message.  With our devices, It seems like everything, everywhere is at our fingertips, at our disposal, and we can have almost anything in our hands in minutes.  Our need to practice patience in today’s world is almost null and void.  In the same way, as followers of Jesus, we would love to know when the second coming of Christ is going to happen and we would like it to happen soon.  God does not break promises.  He will return.  It’s inevitable.  However, He also desires all of us to come to Him.  In His infinite wisdom and great love for ALL mankind, He wants everyone to have the opportunity to repent and turn their lives and hearts over to Him.  God’s time is vastly, vastly different from our time and His ways are exceedingly different also.  His time has not yet come because not everyone has had the opportunity to hear his gospel; plain and simple.  God is patient with you, me, even the most wicked you can think of and wants none of us to perish and be separated from Him….so more time goes by and hopefully more will repent and turn toward God.  However, that does not mean everyone will repent and that He will wait forever.  There will still be people who hear the good news and keep their head turned from Him and refuse….but everyone will have heard.  The hope of Christ’s return should give you the strength, as believers, to endure and grow in Christlikeness.  There will be a day when you will hear, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”  He promises that. ~ Amen


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Submit Yourselves

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