Saturday, November 30, 2024

Everyone Competes

Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.  They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. ~ 1 Corinthians 9:25

Strict training, self-discipline, self-control; all great athletes practice these traits when getting ready for a race.  Athletes who hope to win victory and a great prize keep their eye on the end result and stay focused toward that goal.  Christians should exercise the same self-control for the race that they are in and for the heavenly prize that will not wither away, but that will give us eternal glory.  Athletes watch what they eat, stay away from harmful substances and exercise their body to give them the best chance at victory.  Everyday, Christians should be on guard of their daily habits, on how well they are living righteously, and how humble and loving they are and they should exercise their heart, mind and soul with God’s word to stay in tip-top shape for the race towards our end goal of Christ’s eternal service.  Every believer who exercises self-control for God’s glory will win a crown that won’t rust, fade, or decay, but one that will last forever.  Hearts, heads and souls that are won over for the Lord because of the love you have shown them and because of your kindness and humility will all culminate to make your glorious crown in heaven.  To train our minds and attitudes to win over the lost and to bring glory to God should be our number one goal.  To win the lost takes discipline, training in the Word and sometimes giving up our own personal desires so that we can be the hands and feet of Jesus according to God’s will for our lives.  We must throw off what doesn’t ultimately matter in life and run God’s race with perseverance for the purposes he has for our lives while reaching the lost.  Winning for Jesus takes discipline.  So dust off those sneakers.  We’ve got a race to run. ~ Amen

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