Saturday, November 2, 2024

World Choices

Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. ~ Ephesians 5:17

We live in a world of choices; who we listen to, what job we have, what car we drive, how to spend our money, what kind of house we want, and what type of lifestyle we are going to live.  We live in a time when morals and values are up to us; when what was once wrong has many times been made okay, or even considered right now.  Being a follower of Jesus means I am called to understand the righteous way to live in His will even when the world gives me so many other options.  We have to search out and imprint our hearts and minds with the wisdom of God as it does not automatically come to our sinful natures.  We need to dive in and dig into His Word for the real truths of life.  Time here on earth is short and so we must evaluate how we are living for His glory from time to time.  To be mindful of our relationships and how we treat each other; mindful of how we spend our time and resources; mindful that our faith produces the fruit of the Holy Spirit and mindful of the many traps and ways Satan may use to destroy us.  If we say we are followers of Jesus, we must walk the walk AND talk the talk.  We must make the best use of our time and resources for His kingdom while here on earth and we must live a life that is pleasing and glorifying to Him.  We don’t need to partake in slanderous gossip, but should be encouraging; we shouldn’t work more to line our own pockets, but for the widows and fatherless; and we should be mindful of trying to keep up with the neighbors and instead ask for contentment in what God has blessed us with.  As followers of Jesus, we need to recognize God’s will for us, cultivate our spiritual lives, be ready to act in faith and obedience to God’s will, live righteously in peace and ask God for wisdom to do it all the way He wants; not as the world wants.  I want to be a wisdom filled follower of Christ, not a foolish worldly follower. ~ Amen  

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Submit Yourselves

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