Saturday, November 23, 2024

Straining Forward

Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.  But one thing I do:  forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. ~ Philippians 3:13-14

Back in the day, I used to be quite the runner and I had great endurance.  Between about the fifth and sixth step of any race, or training, I would get myself into a familiar breathing and step pattern that would carry me to the finish line.  In no race did I turn my head back to see what was going on; I kept my eyes forward and focused.  In the same way, Paul urges us to press on for Christ to the finish line.  Do not look back; look forward so that you may win the prize.  We all know people who get stuck in their pasts, or play the victim role of life until it consumes them and pushes everyone else away.  Some get sucked up with bitterness, anger and resentment and stay stuck in that quick sand.  It’s important to learn from our past, but as believers of Jesus, we are not bound to it.  We need to forgive ourselves, forgive others and throw off our shame and let God’s grace wash over us and accept it so we can continue in forward motion in our spiritual walk.  Moving forward to live our life in God’s will and in His character and to live according to His ways versus the world’s so that we may have eternal life with Him.  Rewards and accomplishments here on earth will pale to our spiritual rewards in heaven.  This race is personal and no two believers’ race will look the same, but should be a journey aligned with God’s will for you and will require perseverance and intentionality each day to see spiritual growth.  Never in the history of the mankind has it been so easy to get distracted by the things of this world; however, if you immerse yourself in God’s word, cultivate a prayer life and keep yourself in fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ, your race will be encouraged, uplifted and a lot easier.  Now is our time to run our race with perseverance, love, joy, peace, and patience to stay focused on God.  He will be with us and make our paths straight.  He will never leave us as we move forward.  He is our biggest cheerleader.  Let’s give Him all we’ve got. ~ Amen

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