Sunday, January 12, 2025

Lacks Wisdom

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. ~ James 1:5

We often wonder if we are making the right choices in life.  It is said that everyday we make about 35,000 decisions – some good and some not so good.  That is mind boggling!  How in the world do we make so many decisions?  Some of them we make without even thinking about; as if they are instinctual.  Some of them are easily answered and others, well, we need wisdom on how and where to land.  Sometimes we go to our parents for advice, a friend, or even a coworker.  Have you ever listened to someone and then wished you would have gone another direction?  Ever received wrong advice?   Whether or not we get the wisdom we are seeking depends on how much we truly trust God.  If we truly believe God wants the best for us, then going to Him and asking for wisdom would be a no brainer; especially in difficult times.  God wants you to ask for wisdom and delights in the questions and the following obedience.  To live a God centered life, we are wise to ask God for His wisdom instead of just going about our way in such a confusing world.  It’s also important to understand that God is willing to give you the wisdom you seek without judgement, but rather freely no matter what your past may look like.  You don’t have to have it all together before God will give you wisdom.  He just wants you to ask.  When we ask God for his wisdom, we are acknowledging that we can’t do this on our own.  We are acknowledging that He knows best.  Go to Him with a humble heart and receive.  Seek godly counsel, pray for wisdom, wash your mind and heart with God’s word and trust that His wisdom is in line with the best for you.  His wisdom is full of peace, selflessness, and goodness as opposed to worldly wisdom that is oftentimes self-centered, crafty and sometimes more concerned about personal gain than others.  Wisdom from God, instead of the world, benefits our spiritual well being and can produce great outcomes not only for you, but for others close to you as well.  Wisdom to lead your family also impacts your loved ones.  Wisdom to deal with a difficult co-worker may soften their heart also.  Wisdom to use your resources the way God wants you to can help meet the needs of people you don’t even know.  Godly wisdom, coupled with your obedience to follow, oftentimes can have eternal consequences that you may never even know about.  Let’s be sure we are asking for the right wisdom and then follow with an obedient heart. ~ Amen

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