Saturday, November 28, 2009

Just There

Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. ~ 1 Peter 5:9

Have you ever given real thought to what the devil wants to do to you? While this whole nation is enveloped in a recession that looks to have lasting results with little relief we need to be on our guard more than ever to recognize and understand that the devil wants nothing but the absolute worse for us and our families as we try to wade our way through this sea of economical turmoil. These are desperate times for some and we need to help them resist Satan's worldly sin laced ways of getting through these times. When the news blares stories of women turning to "other ways" of income, or fathers robbing banks, or the many unnecessary suicide/homicides we have heard about all in the name of trying to make ends meet, or as a way to see a gleaming ray of hope it saddens my heart and it should grieve yours also. Let's reach out to the hurting and stand firm, persevere and continue to seek God's wisdom as we trudge through this fallen world. We need to repeat to ourselves constantly that there is a reason, even if we can not make any consorted sense out of what's going on, until we believe it in our bones and very being. Most of all, we need not be ashamed of what our past, present, future, or finances say about us...they DO NOT define us and they should not be given such position; we need to hang out some of our dirty laundry so that others can encourage us and so that we may be an encouragement to those who need to know they will get through this....but do not let it define you. Let's help one another resist, persevere and so remember that we are not reach out a helping hand even if it's just to be there. ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...