Saturday, November 7, 2009

Pure Right

The character of even a child can be known by the way he acts - whether what he does is pure and right. ~ Proverbs 20:11

Have you ever watched a child in a grocery store throw a tantrum because they didn't get the gleaming candy bar in the check out aisle and wondered, What in the world? Why isn't that parent doing anything? At that moment we unfairly judge the character of that child, and the undoubtedly worn out mom when we simply don't even know the situation; don't worry, I've done it too. Here's the kicker; some of us adults act the same way; worse given some situations and we should know better. According to the scriptures, the character of even a small child can be revealed by the spoiled way he may act, by the screaming lungs, or maybe the quiet gentle spirit spurned on by giving and sharing. With that being said the question is, where do you think our children see the model of temper tantrums and greedy attitudes? If the acts of a child reveal what he does as pure and right, then don't you think all the more for adults. We need to check ourselves and purify our character so that we can be good models and exemplary examples of how someone with pure motives act. We need to love each other, treat our elders with respect, let others go first in line at the grocery store, remember our manners and bring back "please" and "thank you" and ditch the "give me" and "I deserve" attitudes. Above all else, treat others as you would want to be treated and let the character of God shine brightly through you - pure and right. ~

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