Saturday, November 14, 2009

Love Snow

The first big snow of the year has arrived and we have made sure to have fun in it by sledding down the outside stairs off the deck and into the yard. The stuff is sticky enough to make a huge snowman family with plenty to spare piling up in the road ruts. Today I am assuming things will be better, but yesterday I couldn't get my van up to my house as the tires just spun in the slush/mud mix and caked the traction my studded tires once held. My prince of a husband had to come a rescue me, but after last night's freeze and today's continued dumpage of the white stuff, I am sure to be able to make it up the frozen tundra that only 24 hours ago was slop. Cody is down at Shorty's looking at ways we can incorporate pizza ovens; one of his many passions. On nights like last night I'm sure they're would be plenty of people who would love to stop, get dinner and make their way home with a warm, already made dinner when holed up for the night. I love these kinds of days; I love being shut into my home cozy and warm while watching the lights of cars creep along 131 in a slow line. After having worked (2) 12 hour days - 1 Wednesday and 1 Thursday - and being exhausted, there was nothing more relaxing for me than waking up Friday morning to the fluffy flurry of snow in the air and not having to drive in it. Just to enjoy it. I love snow! ~

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