Friday, June 29, 2012

Conscious Sin

Do not be deceived:  God cannot be mocked.  A man reaps what he sows. ~ Galations 6:7

Have you ever looked at someone who claims to be a spirit-filled believer and looked at their lifestyle only to ask, "Really?".  I know we aren't supposed to judge people, but when they openly confess Jesus and then continue to live in a sin-induced coma with no regard to their professed beliefs, it's hard not too.  God CANNOT be mocked!  Those followers of Jesus who still sow sinful seed without attempting a heartfelt lifestyle change are guilty of mocking my (and dare I say yours, even if you don't believe, because one day, either in hell, or heaven you WILL confess that Jesus is Lord whether you want to believe if now, or not) Lord.  Let us be careful of what we consciously sow in our so-called "spirit-filled" lives.  We will reap much devastation and death when we mock the Almighty God we say we serve with willful, conscious, and unchanging sin.  Now, don't get me wrong, we ALL sin everyday, or at least I do, you may sin only a couple of times a week, but we do sin.  It's human nature, unfortunatley, and we can't be perfect, in fact, we aren't called to perfection, but we are called to be MORE like Jesus, no one can BE Jesus again. The only perfect human being was, and is Jesus and God knows that, but when we aren't heartfelt in our conversion, we have a problem.  We are talking about a deep heart issue that only God sees and we can answer:  Am I TRYING to change from my sinful ways, or do I really believe and care about what I have openly confessed?  The answer to that question determins destruction vs. eternal life and heartfelt change vs. mockery.  Let's be heart-felt!  ~  AMEN

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